works of alienation and angst (from my youth) part3

The desire to regenerate.  To cast off our old self:  Old mistakes. Old failures.  Old scars.  There seems to be a new, better self waiting to be born, if only we could shed this old skin.  This work ends in disappointment,  not because the rebirth cannot be done, but because it cannot be done separate from the love and grace of GOD.

Snake Skin

Crawling round these  rocks

day after day

scratching and writhing

cloudy eyed

and limbless

pull away this worn, grey, faded skin

bring forth and behold

the fresh, bright  body within.

Trudging through these rocks

called days

scratching and writhing

glassy eyed

clutching  limbs

as if to tear away this mortal skin

an expiring hiss of disappointment

at the same dull being within.

works of alienation and angst (from my youth) part 2

If you have ever experienced un- directed restless energy, you know what this is about.

Savage Self

You prowl through life

like a caged animal


disturbed and

restless within.

Behind bars of iron

pacing and snarling

ears back

claws raking

angry within.

Lash out

with power

and rage

as though

to pierce the mere thin human skin

of your captor

would somehow succor


deliver peace within.

Yet whose wound are you licking

whose blood is dripping?

For who has put you in this cage

and to whose passions are you enslaved?




works of alienation and angst (from my youth) part 1


The purpose is this: if I lived through it, so can you.  Much of my emotional turmoil found it’s outlet in the written word.  Hang on.  Push on. You are not alone. You, yes you, are beloved.   The angst is gone.  The alienation is a fact of life in a world system which is hostile to truth.

Empty Day



and not getting

any less so.

Today I sat

for hours

and drew


I can conceive

of no relief.

I grow restless

and seek sleep.

Escape into nightmares

where the face of


forces action

and the threat of


offers some evidence





Isolate me from emotion.

Isolate me from caring

what happens next.

This animal desire to live

this unnatural desire to die.

Isolate me from wondering


Leave me  just this energy

and the disposition to act.