Campfire Creepers Three Teaser

Setting:  The gazebo in Center Street Park in Milford MI. Daytime.


Uncle Charlie, Bonita, Joan, Lou, Huntz,…


Uncle Charlie:  Imagine running into you two like this.  You don’t suppose Joan and Huntz are around here somewhere, catching Pokémon?

Bonita:  I don’t think they’re catching Pokémon right now, but they should be along any minute.

Uncle Charlie:  Well then, the gang’s all here.  I have a few moments to spare, what shall we do?  You know it’s already been two months since the corn roast, and I don’t think I’ve spent five minutes with any of you since that night.

Bonita:  We’ve all been pretty busy with schoolwork, and after school activities.

Uncle Charlie: Oh, and what are you doing  after school these days?

Bonita: Joan and Huntz and I are helping out with the middle school play.

Lou: Uncle Charlie?

Uncle Charlie:  Yes Lou?

Lou: What are you doing with that?

Uncle Charlie:  This?  The vacuum cleaner?

Lou:  Yes.  Why are you carrying a vacuum cleaner around downtown Milford?

Uncle Charlie:  Well I have to take it to Max to have it serviced.  Your Aunt Elizabeth can’t stand the terrible noise.

Lou:  This fellow Max, he makes a terrible noise?

Uncle Charlie:  No Lou!  The vacuum cleaner makes a terrible noise.  I’m taking it, the vacuum cleaner, to him,  Max, so he can find out why it’s making the noise and fix it.

Lou:  Okay.  I get it. The vacuum cleaner is making a terrible noise and you are taking it to get it fixed.

Uncle Charlie:  That’s right.

Lou:  Uncle Charlie?

Uncle Charlie:  Yes  Lou?

Lou:  What’s that hanging out of your pocket?

Uncle Charlie:  What, this?  This is a locket.  Your Aunt Elizabeth asked me to take it to Charlie to have it repaired.

Lou:  Now let me get this straight:  you’re taking that locket in your pocket to have it repaired by Charlie, Uncle Charlie?

Uncle Charlie:  Yes, that’s right.

Lou:  Bonita, I think something has upset Uncle Charlie, he’s talking about himself in the third person.

Uncle Charlie:  No, I’m all right Lou.  I’m not Charlie.  Charlie is the jeweler to whom I’m taking the locket.

Lou: You’re not Charlie, Uncle Charlie?

Uncle Charlie:  That’s right Lou.

Lou:  Bonita, I think you better stay with Uncle Charlie while I go for help.

Uncle Charlie:  No Lou, Charlie is not me.  I’m you’re Uncle Charlie.  Charlie is an entirely different person.

Lou:  Now he thinks he’s two different people.  Oh, poor Uncle Charlie.  Wait till Aunt Elizabeth hears about this.

Bonita:  Lou, I think what Uncle Charlie is trying to say is that there is another man, also named Charlie, and that man is the jeweler to whom our Uncle Charlie is going to take Aunt Elizabeth’s locket to be repaired.  Isn’t that right Uncle Charlie?

Uncle Charlie:  Exactly, my dear.

Lou:  Oh, is that it?  Why didn’t you just say so in the first place?

Uncle Charlie:  Now, if we’re all together on the vacuum cleaner and the locket, let me make sure I understood what Bonita said a few moments ago.  Lou aren’t you helping out with the play too?  I thought you liked the theatre.

Lou:  I like it okay as long as I’m onstage or in the booth, but I don’t like being backstage at the Little Theatre during rehearsal.  It’s too dark.

Uncle Charlie:  Oh, come on Lou, with all those kids around ?  You aren’t seriously frightened in the dark at the Little Theatre.

Bonita:  Don’t’ get him started Uncle Charlie.

Uncle Charlie: As you say dear.

Lou:  It’s not just the dark you know.  It’s getting pretty close to Halloween and I can’t  help thinking about monsters and things whenever I’m alone in the dark.

Uncle Charlie:  Monsters, Lou?  Which ones?

Lou:  Usually the Frankenstien monster, or the Wolfman, or Dracula.

Uncle Charlie:  Hmm, the classics.  Do  the kids still dress up as those  characters at Halloween?

Lou:  Oh sure,  every year I  see a lot of vampires, a Frankenstein monster or two, plus the occasional werewolf.  There are some new ones though, that aren’t based on monsters.  I know this one guy who’s dressing up as Harambe the gorilla this year.

Uncle Charlie:  You’ve just reminded me of a friend of mine.  When we were both about your age, he dressed up as a gorilla.  Are either of you familiar with the motion picture Mighty Joe Young?

Bonita: Isn’t that the one about the girl with a gorilla who gets talked into bringing it with her to the states by a promoter or something?

Uncle Charlie:  That’s the one.  Well, Mortimer, that’s my friends name, though he usually went by Mort,  Mortimer had a real affinity for that gorilla Joe, practically hero worship, so I suppose it’s no surprise that he dressed up as a gorilla for Halloween that year.  His costume was all homemade and most convincing.  Mortimer was already adept at making things out of old discarded items, and doing all kinds of special effects with stage make up and such.  He put together the fur covering of the gorilla from worn out women’s coats, and in the dark on Halloween night, you wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference between my friend Mort and a real gorilla.

Lou:  Really, it was that good?

Uncle Charlie:  Well, so I was told.  You see, I never actually witnessed  Mortimer in character as Mighty Joe Young on Halloween night.  I was bobbing for apples and drinking cider at your Aunt Elizabeth’s parents house that night, so all of my information is purely second hand.  But I did see him try it out in the daytime on the thirtieth.  Yes, he was very convincing.

Lou:  It sounds like you friend Mortimer must have had a great time trick or treating that year.

Uncle Charlie:  I suppose he would have, if that circus hadn’t been passing through the area.

Lou: Circus?  There was a circus here in Milford?

Uncle Charlie:  In Highland to be precise.  Their caravan had stopped in front of  Highland Junior High School due to mechanical trouble with one of the trucks.   During the stop, their gorilla escaped.  The circus people notified the authorities, who  sent out trained veterinary specialists, accompanied by the State Police.  Together they set out a dragnet for the escaped gorilla, starting at Highland Junior High, and going out in a radius in all directions.  It was on the radio and everything, very big news for our little community.  I remember hearing the broadcast announcement just as I came up soaking wet with an apple in my mouth.

Bonita:  Oh, this sounds awful.  Poor Mortimer.

Uncle Charlie:  Yes, poor Mortimer.  It seems the southern search sector of the dragnet reached the village of Milford just as trick or treating was in full swing.  Mortimer, I understand, had climbed a tree in order to re enact the scene in which Mighty Joe Young rescues a child from a burning building.   Afterwards Mort told me he thought the child he had selected was willingly helping him with the re enactment by climbing up the tree in front of him so he could be rescued.

Bonita: Was he trying to help, the child that is?

Uncle Charlie:  No, the poor thing was frightened out of his wits.  Apparently he had never seen Mighty Joe Young, and had no idea the thing he thought  was a real gorilla was trying to rescue him.  He was climbing the tree to try to escape.

Bonita:  Oh no.

Uncle Charlie:  Oh no is right, for that is the moment when the search party arrived.

Bonita:  Oh no.  Did they –did they–?

Uncle Charlie:  I’m afraid they did.  The trooper, I am told was an expert marksman.  Mortimer was hit on the first shot, and fell almost immediately.

Bonita:  Oh, how terrible.  Where did they shoot him?

Uncle Charlie:  Just over there, on Hickory Street.

Bonita:  No, I mean where, where did the shot hit him?

Uncle Charlie:  Well, as I said, the Trooper was an expert marksman.  He got Mortimer right in the fleshy part.

Bonita:  The fleshy part?  You mean the–the behind.

Uncle Charlie:  Exactly, and thank you for keeping it polite.  Young people are so prone to vulgar language these days,  although  of course I imagine everyone slips once in a while.

Bonita:  But Uncle Charlie, I don’t understand, how did one shot in the fleshy part bring Mortimer down?

Uncle Charlie:  Because of course they had dosed the tranquilizer dart for a four hundred pound gorilla, when actually they were firing at  a one hundred and thirty pound teen-aged boy.

Bonita:  Oh, a dart!   Uncle Charlie, I wished you would have made that clear from the beginning.

Uncle Charlie:  Didn’t I child?  My dear, I am sorry.  Of course it was just a dart, and dear old Mortimer was right as rain again in a few days.

Lou:  I bet he gave up on making such real looking costumes after that.

Uncle Charlie:  To the contrary Lou, when Mortimer thought about how so many people had been convinced he was a real gorilla, even trained veterinary professionals and the State Troopers,  he realized he had a special gift.  Mortimer turned his gift into a  trade, and started his very own wax museum.

Bonita:  A wax museum?  You mean with life- sized figures of famous people?

Uncle Charlie:  That’s the kind.

Lou:  With people like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln?

Bonita:  And Julius Caesar and Cleopatra?

Lou: And Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington?

Uncle Charlie:  That’s it, exactly.

Lou:  Oh boy, I would love to see that.  It’s too bad your friend Mort moved away.

Uncle Charlie:  Who said anything about Mortimer moving away?

Lou:  Didn’t you just tell us he started his own wax museum with all those live-sized replicas of famous people?

Uncle Charlie:  Yes I did.

Lou:  Well then he must have moved away, because there was never anything like that around here.

Uncle Charlie:  Of course there was, Lou.  Haven’t you ever heard of the Milford Wax Museum?

Bonita and Lou:  The Milford Wax Museum?

Enter Joan and Huntz

Huntz:  Did I just hear somebody say something about a wax museum?  Count me in.





You’ve Got Me Screamin’

You caught me dreamin’

now you’ve got me screamin’.

There must be something in the air.

I was being chased

by the creature of Frankenstein;



when you tugged my sleeve

I thought you were his bride.



There must be something in the air.


Lon Jr. and I were sitting down for a chat




when you said, “Look, a full moon.”

and he changed just like that.


wolfman1      There must be something in the air.










Thinking I was safe by the light of the day

I managed to keep the Count at bay,


till you switched off the light

and I saw it was night!

belalugosi2There must be something in the air!

My legs ache from running while I’m dreaming



I’m driving the neighbors batty with all my screaming


There must be something in the air.


To help me calm down, let’s watch an old flick

I’ll  try to remember it’s all just a trick

done with costumes and make up and hair.


So why should I be scared?


There must be something in the air.


We’ll carve a pumpkin to light  the way for folks on our street,

get some cider and with friends and with family we’ll meet

(and  maybe read  Campfire Creepers  complete!)

Then this October I don’t care how many more monsters I see

As long as you stay close to me.


There must be something in the air!






Empty Pages (Little trials in a world full of suffering)

An empty page is better

than an empty heart

or head.

So an unkind word


is better

than one


But what of words of

truth and beauty,

that wax recalcitrant?

No matter how you reason,


or  coax.

they remain instead entrenched.

(Like some way back, aching tooth,

and you’re the fumbling dentist Shemp.)

With unrelenting effort at last

by skill and raw will

and a triumphant yell you extract. . .

the wrong one!

Shall we have another go?

After all, what’s one molar more?

No thank you sir, I’m out of here

it’s painful, and besides

those are my teeth  upon the floor!



It’s time I see

to drop the metaphor.

All right.

Give it another try;

the greater pain to bear

is to see those empty pages stare

into my mind’s aching eye.

Not that you should care

except you do

the way we do

when these trials we share.




Whether separated

by a mile,

a mountain,

or an ocean

we are together

when these trials we share.

These empty pages

are some of mine;

I am thankful

they are small.


Even as

I am mindful of

a world full of


and my complaints are




So I  wonder

as we stumble

over our own empty pages.

We fall

and rise

and fall again.


and yet




Best Halloween Flick of all Time?

Is the best Halloween flick of all time on this list?    For those who like their scares punctuated with laughter, and their chills without graphic gore, it just may be.  If you haven’t seen any of the films on this short list, you should watch them all soon, and if you have seen them, but not in a while, it is time to ramp up the quality meter on your viewing and enjoy great story telling, outstanding performances, and fun films to enjoy now or any time of the year.

1. Arsenic and Old Lace.

Released in 1944, starring Cary Grant and Priscilla Lane.  A hilarious story, based  on the play by Joseph Kesselring, with outstanding performances by the full cast,  superb direction by Frank Capra,  plus the extra atmospheric bonus of taking place on Halloween night.  This motion picture ranks as one of the funniest films ever for many movie buffs,  and would be worth watching any time of the year.  With eccentric aunts, a murderous and deranged brother and his dubious doctor sidekick on the run from the law, a cousin who thinks he is Theodore Roosevelt, and a host of other characters, all richly portrayed  with superb comic timing, expert direction, and brilliant screenplay by Julius and Philip Epstein;  plus richly detailed and atmospheric sets,  Arsenic and Old Lace is a masterful motion picture that is full of laughs from beginning to end, while also providing some  genuinely chilling moments and a few surprises along the way.   With Peter Lorre, Raymond Massey, Edward Everett Horton, Jack Carson, Josephine Hull, Jean Adair, John Alexander, James

Priscilla Lane, Jean Adair, Cary Grant and Josephine Hull in Arsenic and Old Lace, 1944


Raymond Massey and Peter Lorre make an interesting discovery in Arsenic and Old Lace, 1944

2. You’ll Find Out

This is a fun and music -filled film that features a trio of horror movie legends from the 1940’s:  Boris Karloff (the original Frankenstein monster),  Bela Lugosi (the most iconic Dracula), and Peter Lorre, perhaps most familiar for his role in a decidedly non-horror film, Casablanca.  The top billed name in this zany romp is big band leader Kay Kyser.    Besides fronting one of the most successful bands of the era, Kyser  made several motion pictures, and he and the orchestra had their own radio show.  Early in the film we are treated to a glimpse of a simulated live studio broadcast, including songs, gags, and audience participation.  This motion picture delivers a host of horror flick staples:  a creepy mansion with secret passages,  a howling thunderstorm, and objects that seem to glow and float through the air to name but a few.  Kyser and the band perform several musical numbers, there is nice singing, especially solos by the lovely Ginny Simms, and a duet with Ginny Simms and Harry Babbitt.  Karloff, Lugosi and Lorre are in top form, and the rest of the cast deliver for a scary, musical and funny Halloween movie treat.

You’ll Find Out 1940 Directed by Gordon Douglas.  Screenplay by James V. Kern.  Story by David Butler and James V. Kern. Special material by Monte Brice, Andrew Bennison, and  R.T.M. Scott. With Kay Kyser, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Helen Parrish, Dennis O’Keefe, Alma Kruger, The Kay Kyser Band featuring Ginny Simms, Harry Babbitt. M.A. Bogue  (Ish Kabibble), Sully Mason

Bela Lugosi, Peter Lorre, and Boris Karloff menace in You’ll Find Out, 1940

3. Hold That Ghost

1941 with Abbott and Costello.

The comedy duo of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello made several comedy-mysteries in their long film career.  Along the way they managed to include many iconic Hollywood monsters in their films, such as Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein, (in which they met not only the Frankenstein monster, but the Wolfman, and Dracula too!),  Abbott and Costello meet the Invisible Man,  Abbott and Costello meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Abbott and Costello meet the Mummy.  These would all make fine Halloween viewing,  but Hold That Ghost arguably shows the boys at their best, and also gets a huge lift from the tremendous comic talent of actress Joan Davis,  the music of the Andrews Sisters, and one of the more clever scripts of the duo’s motion pictures.  Three Stooges fans will also get a kick out of seeing Shemp Howard in a brief role as a soda jerk. The film includes plenty of comedy-horror ingredients: a deserted, creepy house with the requisite hidden passages, a stormy night, people disappearing (and reappearing and disappearing again!), plus a host of silly and chilly sight gags that not many motion pictures could get away with, but that work just fine on screen with Bud, Lou and Joan.  Directed by Arthur Lubin.  Screenplay Robert Lees, Fred Rinaldo, and John Grant.  Story by Robert Lees and Fred Rinaldo. Also starring Richard Carlson, Evelyn Ankers, Mischa Auer, Marc Lawrence, Russell Hicks, William Davidson, Ted Lewis.

Joan Davis and Lou Costello have any uneasy feeling in Hold That Ghost, 1941

4. Murder He Says 

1945 Starring Fred MacMurray, Helen Walker, Marjorie Main.  Directed by George Marshall.  Screenplay by Lou Breslow.  Story by Jack Moffitt.

The last film on this short list of gore-free Halloween movies may not have the same Halloween atmosphere as the others, but like Arsenic and Old Lace it is an exceptional and funny movie,  any time of the year, and it does share most of the comedy-mystery ingredients.  For starters there is the creepy old house, with secret passages, plus mysterious hounds that “light up and make for the woods.” The  villains  are in the persons of the treacherous Fleagle family, headed by Marjorie Main, who will stop at nothing to find the hidden bank loot they believe is stashed on the premises.   For those who may remember Fred MacMurray mostly for his later Disney films and on television, he was quite a leading man earlier in his career, so be prepared to enjoy a much more deft and dynamic performance than those later roles demanded.  Murder He Says is filled with  laughs, surprises, and chills, and also in it Marjorie Main may  be the first person on screen to speak the line “Do you want to live forever?”

Also starring Jean Heather, Porter Hall, Peter Whitney, Mabel Paige, Barbara Pepper.

MURDER, HE SAYS, Helen Walker, Fred MacMurray, 1945
Helen Walker, Fred MacMurray and uncredited chickens in Murder He Says, 1945
Porter Hall, Helen Walker, Marjorie Main, Peter Whitney, Jean Heather and Mabel Paige have Fred MacMurray all tied up in Murder He Says, 1945

Full cast lists and crews can be found at:

If you like the zany, faced-paced feel of Abbott and Costello films like Hold That Ghost, you will probably love this quick, easy story that is also perfect to enjoy at Halloween:

Mystery at the River’s Edge is available in paperback and e-book formats and is pure fun!

Glowing worms

Glowing worms

go flowing by

what did I just see?

A slithering slipstream

of living vapor

with names of thoughts

that light

when thought.

A living stream

of light

and thought

and thought

and light

and so I’m

mindful of

a mind full of


Am I awake?

A dream?

A dream!

That gorgeous instant

of living in a dream

with  conscious mind.

Yet focus and it is gone:

a mist,

a vapor;

as are we,

and vivid too




yearns to hold onto.