Curtains 2018 Milford High School



Great job to the cast and crew of Curtains. Mere hours after the final show, and already I Miss the Music you made on the Wide Open Spaces of the stage at the Milford High School Center for the Performing Arts. I’d like to think I’m not the most credulous person, but I have to admit I sure was relieved when I saw Catharine show up in numbers after the opening, ‘cause for a while I was thinking “Wow, The Woman’s Dead! Same thing happened with Olivia later in the show. Then how about Marc? What Kind of Man can hang by his neck like that and then climb down and finish the show? I tell you, Show People are made of tough stuff! It’s not like It’s a Business for any of you: you are all full time students with classes and homework, other activities, and many of you planning ahead for after graduation; you’re all In the Same Boat as far as demands on your time.
With a cast this big, I can’t possibly give recognition to everyone, and I don’t want anyone to feel less important even if they think their role was a small one, because you were all important and all made a big impression on that stage. I do want to give a special acknowledgment the Seniors. This was your last high school musical play and you nailed it. Based on observations from your directors and adult staff, you have also been good leaders of this years vocal music and theatre programs. I know that every group of people is special, so you know that I mean no slight to anyone else when I say that all of you Seniors have a special place in my heart. From the CPA to the Little Theatre, to Muir Middle School, Main Street, and all the way to the Fox Theatre in Detroit, I count the time spent together, the activities shared,, and the friendships that have been made possible because of your kindness and good character as some of my favorite moments outside of time with my own family; each ensconced in it’s own particular glow in my memory. Speaking of family, I hope I can speak for all parents (and grandparents) of theatre students when I tell of the awe and thrill we get when we see our children perform on stage.
Yes, when I think of all that great singing and dancing, romance, laughs, and mystery, and then read each of your names on the cast list, I say to myself “He Did It, She Did It, They Did It.” You did it! You put on a great show. Your hard work, energy, and talent made Curtains the kind of great show that people sit up and talk about at a Coffee Shop, Nights. While it may sound like I’m just Thinking of Missing the Music, I am also looking forward to the rest of the productions for this school year: Pops and Cabaret and Soiree and all of the other concerts, Sense and Sensibility, and Play-Pro. So while the final curtain has fallen on Curtains, we will always have the memories, (plus all of the individual lobby photos, and of course the beautiful images captured by Tara Johnson at, ) I look back in fond remembrance, and look ahead to the curtains yet to rise this school year and beyond, and I am hopeful of the opportunity to be there with each one of you.
So now it is almost Thanksgiving Day.  Some of you may be staying at home, others may be traveling thisaway or Thataway, but whatever your Thanksgiving destination, whether grandmother’s house or your own, across the skies and coast to coast from Florida to California to Boston Harbor, or somewhere in the middle like Colorado, South Dakota or Kansas,land with your feet on the ground and a smile on your face;  with Curtains you have delivered a Tough Act to Follow, and you have earned the satisfaction of a job well done.

P.S.   Waiting to retrieve the code to access all of Tara Johnson’s photos, hope to add those images soon!

P.P.S  You may enjoy reading Act One of the Mystery Drama, The Mystery at the Milford Wax Museum!  Click here