Beauty Finds Me

For Sarah on her birthday.

Beauty finds me in the shadows of the garden

contemplating beauty as I’ve often done before.

Beauty finds me on the rocks along the ocean

as the waves come rolling gently into shore.

Beauty finds me dreaming eyes wide open

day or night it makes no matter where you are.

Right now I’m sighing in the darkness

like a wistful wisher wishing on a star.

Beauty finds me in the cool of the evening

watching moonlight dance upon the dew.

Beauty finds me once again

as only beauty can

Beauty finds me

and reminds me

I find beauty

wherever I find you.

Tracks In the snow

This writer had the privilege of working with Milford artist Paul Tibedeau for an entry in the 2019 Village Fine Arts Association Poetry Art Night Exhibit and Competition. Paul’s beautiful Plein Air Painting “Tracks in the Snow” was the basis for our entry, and also became the name for the poem which I composed as my part of the competition. See more of Paul’s works at the Facebook group page Paul Tibedeau Fine Art .

The Poetry Art Night (PAN) combines visual art with poetry to create a unique dynamic that is a treat for your senses and begs you to linger in the gallery of The Suzanne Haskew Arts Center (The SHAC) and take each entry in slowly. PAN 2020 was greatly impacted by the pandemic and featured a virtual exhibit. Calls for entries and tentative plans for plans for PAN 2021 can be found here: /

My thanks to Paul and his wife Joanne, to Susan Gollon, Lish Brown, The Village Fine Arts Association, and The Suzanne Haskew Arts Center and all of the visual artists, poets, judges, and visitors for a great experience and a wonderful evening.

Artist Paul Tibedeau (right) and Rick Morris flanking Paul’s Plein Air painting “Tracks in the Snow” at the Milford Village Fine Arts Association Poetry Art Night Exhibit, March 2019. Surrounding the duo are some of the many other beautiful entries in the juried event. The Poetry Art Night (PAN) combines visual art with poetry to create a unique dynamic that is a treat for your senses and begs you to linger in the gallery of The Suzanne Haskew Arts Center (The SHAC) and take each entry in slowly. PAN 2020 was greatly impacted by the pandemic and featured a virtual exhibit. Calls for entries and tentative plans for plans for PAN 2021 can be found here: /

I heard not a sound save the wind

I saw no movement in the night

and woke to another cold, grey day.

Upon the frozen ground

beneath a sunless sky

breathing air with no scent

a human can detect,

where all seemed dormant or dead,

weary of this winter

stood I alive.


So my senses told me.

Yet the snow bears witness

Life has not fled!

Hearts still beat,

blood still flows.

Warm bodies still make their homes

even hidden in this snow.

Even beneath this sunless sky

upon this frozen ground,

no matter how many cold, grey days.

No matter where you stand

be wearied not;

you are not alone.

Even in our deepest winter

forever are there

tracks in the snow.

For more works of poetry by this writer, click here:

Good Words and Sunbursts, by Richard K. Morris includes the 2019 PAN award-winning poem “Tracks in the Snow” plus eleven other original works by the same writer. Available right now at: