Category Archives: Poems

Empty Pages (Little trials in a world full of suffering)

An empty page is better

than an empty heart

or head.

So an unkind word


is better

than one


But what of words of

truth and beauty,

that wax recalcitrant?

No matter how you reason,


or  coax.

they remain instead entrenched.

(Like some way back, aching tooth,

and you’re the fumbling dentist Shemp.)

With unrelenting effort at last

by skill and raw will

and a triumphant yell you extract. . .

the wrong one!

Shall we have another go?

After all, what’s one molar more?

No thank you sir, I’m out of here

it’s painful, and besides

those are my teeth  upon the floor!



It’s time I see

to drop the metaphor.

All right.

Give it another try;

the greater pain to bear

is to see those empty pages stare

into my mind’s aching eye.

Not that you should care

except you do

the way we do

when these trials we share.




Whether separated

by a mile,

a mountain,

or an ocean

we are together

when these trials we share.

These empty pages

are some of mine;

I am thankful

they are small.


Even as

I am mindful of

a world full of


and my complaints are




So I  wonder

as we stumble

over our own empty pages.

We fall

and rise

and fall again.


and yet




Glowing worms

Glowing worms

go flowing by

what did I just see?

A slithering slipstream

of living vapor

with names of thoughts

that light

when thought.

A living stream

of light

and thought

and thought

and light

and so I’m

mindful of

a mind full of


Am I awake?

A dream?

A dream!

That gorgeous instant

of living in a dream

with  conscious mind.

Yet focus and it is gone:

a mist,

a vapor;

as are we,

and vivid too




yearns to hold onto.

Clever words

All my clever words

are running out on me

there they go

like grains of sand

out to  the sea or

in an hourglass

to the globe below

I watch them fall away

those clever words

those clever biting words

we say

when we want to score off somebody

to show we’re smart

to show we’re stronger than they

when we exalt ourselves

and glory in the pain of someone else

how could we come to this?

I heave a sigh

I wave good-bye and say

fare well

my fond farewell

to all those  words

those clever words

I never want to say

the ones that cut

the ones that leave a painful scar

we can’t forget

no matter how much we forgive

they ran away

they let me go

I say hurray

to all those words

those clever biting words.


A weird tattoo

Hot summer sun

beating on your skin

brings beads of moisture

while within

it’s beating out some weird tattoo.

What’s that on your thigh,

a butterfly?

Pardon me,

not that kind of tattoo,

but the percussion kind;

about which Jerome Kern knew

and so Fred Astaire croonednever gonna dance

to Ginger Rogers

in Swing Time too.

Where I was going

I’m not sure,

I didn’t mean to leave you

sweating there.

Here, follow my minds eye

as I go from razor sharp scenes

in black and white

to glorious technicolorbathingbeauty1

at blue poolside.

Brass and strings,

off screen,

magenta and turquoise


and head piece things

erupt in colorful cacophony

as Esther Williams plies the water,EstherWilliams1


it looks like so much fun.

See how her makeup doesn’t run.

Around in circles now we’ve come

to our  spot beneath the sun

again  the beguine has begun

again skin glistens as moisture runs.

A sigh as I enjoy this golden view,

with an ear for music and

an eye for beauty

old and new,

witness the craft in a weird tattoo

obscure the treasure that is true.

Fingers keep time on your tummy

as the tattoo goes on drumming.

Artificial grey is less becoming

than your native hue.

Dear one, the masterpiece is you.

Good Word (A Word of Encouragement)

How beautiful is a word of encouragement:

a soothing sound to a distressed spirit;

a refreshing draught of living water

to a mind parched and weary

from rancor, tumult, and vitriol.

So goes the world.

As for me, I will lift you up

as far as I am able.

I will choose a good word for you.

I will endeavor to pass over the bad word

in silence.

Do not think that I mean to say

“Peace, peace,”

when there is no peace.

I know there is not peace.

Understand instead that in our suffering

I will speak words of comfort.

In our stumbling

I will reflect light for our steps.

To our healing

I will apply balm.

In all of this I bring nothing new

for all good words

necessary and sufficient to encourage and to build up

were breathed out and set down

long ago.

I can only take them up

and repeat them in my own voice

as each new day unfolds.

For each new day

ears are itching to hear

and each new day

much is spoken

by wagging tongues.

Let not my tongue add more venom to the potion,

even in attempting to speak truth,

for such is the risk if I do so without love.

There is plenty of cause for condemnation

to go around

and around

and around.

So goes the world.

Shall we compare mistakes, you and I?

Whose list is longer?

Which of us has  committed the greatest error?

Which of us has the greatest regret?

Which has caused the most pain?

The most suffering?

The most death?

This is not a challenge.

This is a call to remember ourselves.

Far be it from me to be clever

at your expense

over your faults

when the Surveyor of Souls sees us


and knows.

I shall rather love you as I love myself.

(and in this love restrain my tongue.)

We are each of us beloved

even as we are

by One against whom we have transgressed.

One more glorious,

more righteous

than anything we can conceive.

Even so

He will forgive

He will wipe away every tear.

Against this promise, this comfort

we devour each other

we tear each other down

day after day.

A smug and self glorifying people

clueless and descending.

As for me, I will lift you up as far as I am able.

I will choose a good word for you.

I will endeavor to pass over the bad word

in silence.

Therefore be loved, beloved.

Know and be loved

even as you are.

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