Clever words

All my clever words

are running out on me

there they go

like grains of sand

out to  the sea or

in an hourglass

to the globe below

I watch them fall away

those clever words

those clever biting words

we say

when we want to score off somebody

to show we’re smart

to show we’re stronger than they

when we exalt ourselves

and glory in the pain of someone else

how could we come to this?

I heave a sigh

I wave good-bye and say

fare well

my fond farewell

to all those  words

those clever words

I never want to say

the ones that cut

the ones that leave a painful scar

we can’t forget

no matter how much we forgive

they ran away

they let me go

I say hurray

to all those words

those clever biting words.


2 thoughts on “Clever words”

  1. That’s beautiful Rick, I must say that could have been written for me by me, it sums up how I feel about saying things – like leaving a painful scar with words that have been said, we can’t ever forget them although try to forgive them and it’s hard. I once read a saying that said ” I can forgive what people say to me, I can forgive what people do to me – but I will never forget how people make me feel” and your words brought all that back to me, very thoughtful and well written, I enjoyed that especially.

    1. Hi Janet, sorry to be so long in responding to this comment. I must admit that in our several exchanges on the seventh I failed to notice this one. I am glad to hear how “Clever Words” brought back certain thoughts and emotions. It is strange how if I attempted to write a column or editorial on the subject I believe I would run the risk of sounding self-righteous or puffed-up with a false sense of wisdom, but God in his kindness has gifted me with at least a small ability to express these thoughts and sentiments in a poetic form, in which I am able to avoid those pitfalls. Thank you again.

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