
We are being seduced daily with images and messages intended to create envy. Envy destroys contentment. Raise your awareness of the perils and destructiveness of envy. Read on.


is a slow poison

in your blood.

Envy kills.

Envy is a collar

around your neck.

To this collar is fastened

a leash,

so long it disappears.

Sometimes you don’t even know it’s there.

This leash is held by a hand.

Each collar has many leashes

controlled by many hands;

some in corporate boardrooms,

others in various capitals

and other chambers of deliberation

and planning.

What plans are being hatched in there?

From time to time a hand

give a leash a jerk

and those who have not cast off the collars

respond as they were trained.

This one to buy, this one to borrow, this one to steal.

This one to sit, this one to speak, this one to take to the streets.

Envy is their collar and their leash.

Envy controls.

Envy is a paradox:

Those who possess envy

cannot be it’s master.

Yet with envy some are able

to master others.

The world rewards such as these

with prestige, power, and luxury;

but even such persons are not free

nor will they be

for though they master envy

envy remains their master.

Envy is

wealth that brings want

freedom that brings debt

food that brings hunger

drink that brings thirst

justice that brings oppression.

How much more abundant

than all of this

is the life without envy


A similar work by this author: Our Belligerent Personas – listenviewreviewhttps://www.listenviewreview.com/lyric-poetry-rich-visual-imagery/

More works by this author: Good Words and Sunbursts: Vivid Word Art and Lyric Beauty: Morris, Richard K: 9781695688285: Amazon.com: Bookshttps://www.amazon.com/dp/1695688287

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