
Here is the text of the poem, without the hauntingly beautiful portrait by Sara Hadley for which it was written. Check out the link below to view the text of the poem with Sara’s painting.

The eyes perceive

all that glitters.

She is well endowed

and with poise and purpose and wit as well

as an appetite for laurels and things

beyond childish dreams.

The woman left behind the girl

and carved for herself

a great big chunk of the world.

Now mantled and mired

in all she desired

looking back at her greatest possession

held by a girl

with nothing to lose and nothing to show

but herself

left behind in a far away age.

The eyes perceive

all that glitters


is a cage.

This work was composed as a companion piece for the beautiful portrait by Sara Hadley for entry in the 2020 Poetry Art Night Exhibit hosted by the Suzanne Haskew Arts Center and the Village Fine Arts Association in Milford, Michigan. Click here to see Sara’s painting and the poem in the virtual exhibit:

To view and purchase more original artwork by Sara Hadley, click here:

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