Glowing worms

Glowing worms

go flowing by

what did I just see?

A slithering slipstream

of living vapor

with names of thoughts

that light

when thought.

A living stream

of light

and thought

and thought

and light

and so I’m

mindful of

a mind full of


Am I awake?

A dream?

A dream!

That gorgeous instant

of living in a dream

with  conscious mind.

Yet focus and it is gone:

a mist,

a vapor;

as are we,

and vivid too




yearns to hold onto.

5 thoughts on “Glowing worms”

  1. Just love that piece Richard, love the way all the words connect and flow together in perfect rhyme, without actually all rhyming – you have a very unique style which I very much enjoy.

    1. Thanks again for the kind words Janet. I also replied to your comment on Facebook, which I very much appreciate. Two of our sons are actors in school and community theatre, and it has recently occurred to me, that, unlike a stage production, in which the performer is able to witness the audiences response to their work immediately, the medium of writing require that the members of the audience take the time and write a thoughtful comment, such as you have done so often. (Sorry for the horrible run-on sentence.) Comments such as yours are a very great encouragement to me and I thank you warmly for the time and consideration you have taken to express your response to my works

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