Mystery at the Milford Wax Museum Part 15

Get some chills and laughs, inspired by the classic horror and comedy-mystery films of the past. Fun for all ages. Grab a part, break a leg, and ham on!

Mystery-comedy script.  Click here to start at Campfire Creepers Three: Mystery at the Milford Wax Museum (part 1)


Lou:  The stage, that’s another thing.  Do you know that sometimes when I’m in there all alone, not even the Professor or Plamen anywhere in sight, and I sit real still, I hear noises under the stage?

Ilinca: Noises?  What kind of noises?

Lou:  How should I know what kind of noises?  Muffled noises, like somebody looking for something or moving things around under there.

Ilinca:  This not good that you hear these noises.

Lou:  You bet it’s not good, and thanks to you Ilinca, I’m going to get to the bottom of it.

Ilinca:  Thanks to me?

Lou:  That’s right.  When I think of how brave you are when any time you could run into a vampire or a werewolf or the Frankenstein monster,  I feel ashamed for being such a coward.  I intend to find out what is going on at the Little Theatre, now matter how dangerous it may be.

Ilinca:  You got any ideas?

Lou:  No.  You?

Ilinca:  No, I got no clue.

Lou;  The first thing is to think of the possible suspects.

Ilinca: Suspects?

Lou:  Yeah.  When solving a mystery, you always have to consider who all the suspects are.  Let’s see, there’s a whole list of characters who could have any reason for being up to no good.  The worst of the bunch is Dracula, but tonight is the full moon, so I guess we have to consider the Wolf-man too.  There haven’t been any thunderstorms for a while, so I suppose we can rule out the Frankenstein monster.  Then there also the people, the Professor and that Plamen, I wonder?…No, he’s definitely the one that worries me the most.

Ilinca:  The Professor?

Lou: No, Dracula.

Ilinca:   Oh, you think is Dracula?

Lou:   I’m almost positive it’s him, although I haven’t ruled out the Wolf-man.  The question is, why would Dracula be digging around under the stage at the Little Theatre?  There’s only one way to find out.  We’ll have to sneak in there one night, when everybody is gone and take a look around underneath the stage.

Ilinca:  I don’t think he would like that.

Lou: Dracula?

Ilinca:  No, the Professor.

Lou:  The Professor!  Why would he mind if we helped solve the mystery that was jeopardizing his show?

Ilinca:  He doesn’t like distractions.  Also he like to keep on  tight schedule.  Professor get very upset if somebody interrupt his schedule.  It best we no interfere with Professors plans.  You  drop this whole idea, we no go dig around under stage at Little Theatre.

Lou:  Dig, Ilinca, that’s it.

Ilanca:  Is what?

Lou:  Is the key to this whole mystery, that’s what.  I see it all now.  Do you know why every time I heard those noises under the stage I never saw the Professor or Plamen in the Little Theatre.

Ilinca:  They was in the boy’s room?

Lou: No, they were not in the boy’s room.  Do you know how I know that?

Ilinca: I suppose you going to tell me?

Lou:  You’re darn right I’m going to tell you.  It’s because it must have been those two, the Professor and Plamen, I heard under the stage.  And do you know what they were doing under there?

Ilinca:  Digging?

Lou:  No.

Ilinca:  Buy you said digging was key to mystery.

Lou:  That’s right.  That’s what I said.  But Plamen and the Professor weren’t digging, no, but they were moving big boxes of something that had already been dug.

Ilinca:  Big boxes?  Of what big boxes?

Lou:  Dirt.

Ilinca: Dirt?

Lou: Yes, and do you know where the dirt comes from?  From Transylvania, that’s where.  And do you know why the dirt is from Transylvania?  Because a vampire has to rest during the day somewhere dark in a coffin filled with dirt from his home land, and that proves that Dracula is the one behind all this!  He is turning the Little Theatre into his secret hiding place.

Ilinca:  Dracula do that?

Lou: Yes he do.

Ilinca: Dracula?  Yes, Lou, I see now what you mean.  Makes sense that Dracula is one behind strange noises at Little Theatre.  But wait a minute.  If Dracula in Little Theatre, we got to get kids out of there, got to stop whole show.  Tell everybody stay away from Little Theatre.    I pretty sure in little while Professor and Plamen leave Milford for different place.  Dracula go with them, I positive of that.  Then you nice peoples got nothing to worry about.  No mysteries, no vampire, no Professor, no Plamen.  Only please tell everybody stay away from Little Theatre till they gone.

Lou:  No Ilinca, we can’t do that.

Ilinca:  Why not?

Lou:  We have to get proof.

Ilinca:  Proof?  What proof?

Lou:   Like I said, we have to sneak into the Little Theatre, tonight, when everybody is gone and while Dracula is out.  We have to crawl in under the stage, and find those coffins, and get some of the Transylvanian dirt, and maybe something in there with Dracula’s crest on it, and bring it out and show it to everyone else.

Ilinca:  What if Dracula comes back while we still in there?

Lou:  I didn’t think of that.  Do you think it would be pretty bad if he found us?

Ilinca:  I think so.  I think Dracula be plenty mad if he come back from being big terror to  innocent people and find us digging up dirt from his coffins.

Lou:  You do?

Ilinca:  Ya, I  think he do that hipsnosis thing with his eyes, then when we are powerless in his spell, I think maybe he be big terror to us too, maybe  drink our blood.

Lou:  Did you say blood?

Ilinca:  Ya, blood.   What’s the matter, Lou? You don’t look so good all of a sudden.

Lou:    I don’t feel so good all of a sudden.  I guess I’m just a big coward after all.  Can you help me think of another plan, one where you and I don’t ever have to come face to face with Dracula?


To be continued. . .


Copyright 2017 r.k.morris





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