Mystery at the Milford Wax Museum Part 16

Get some chills and laughs, inspired by the classic horror and comedy-mystery films of the past. Fun for all ages. Grab a part, break a leg, and ham on!

Mystery-comedy script.  Click here to start at Campfire Creepers Three: Mystery at the Milford Wax Museum (part 1)


Ilinca:  Another plan?  One where you and I no have to be face to face with Dracula?  Boy, that pretty tough.   Wait a minute, what I saying?  Of course, how silly of me to forget.

Lou:  Forget what Ilinca?

Ilinca:  Van Helsing, vampire slayer.  That’s it, why I not think of before?  Great-great grandson of Van Helsing  live near our village.  We get hold of Van Helsing.  He fix those vampires.

Lou:  You mean he’ll come here, and help us?

Ilinca:  Sure he will.  Van Helsing always help people with vampires.

Lou:  This is wonderful Ilinca.  You’re certainly a big help.  I’m so glad you’re here.

Ilinca:  Thank you Lou.  But you got to promise something.  You got to promise not to tell anyone what we suspect, and don’t send anyone crawling around under stage of Little Theatre looking for anything.  Not even a peek.    I make sure kids rehearse in  teachers room, so they not in any danger.  I want make sure no one gets hurt, okay?  Soon as Van Helsing gets here, he take a look around, right away he will know what to do.  He fix vampires good, then Professor and Plamen will leave and no bother you people no more, and everybody be okay.  But you got to promise Lou.

Lou:  Okay Ilinca, I promise.  I won’t say anything to the others.

Ilinca:  Good.  Now we got to go find Uncle Grigore, he is one knows how to get hold of Van Helsing.

Lou:  He must still be in the wax museum.

Ilinca:  Ya, that’s what I think too.  Well, looks like we got to see wax monsters after all. You ready?

Lou:  Do I have to go in there?

Ilinca:  It make you feel better if I hold your hand?

Lou:  Hold my hand, right out here in front of everybody?

Ilinca:  Sure, here, all the way to wax museum.

Lou: I feel kind of embarrassed.  What will people think if they see us holding hands?

Ilinca:  They no think anything about boy and girl holding hands.  Unless you get carried away.

Lou:  Me, carried away? How?

Ilinca:  If  first you take hold my one hand, like this, then you take hold my other hand like this. Then you let go both hands and put your arms around me like this, and pull me close like this, and then you look into my dark eyes and you say, in deep husky voice (does deep husky voice) Ah, Ilinca my dark-eyed beauty, how I have longed for this moment to hold you in my arms.  Now, my little sweet potato,  now that I have you in my big strong arms, I will put my burning lips next to your soft, trembling lips and kiss you so  you never forget. (resumes normal voice)  And then you kiss me,  just like you say, big, long he-man kiss. That is carried away.

Lou:  Ilinca?

Ilinca:  Yes Lou?

Lou:  I think I’m ready to go face those monsters now.

Ilinca; (laughing) Okay big boy, let’s go.

They exit together towards Main Street as lights go down.

End of Act One.

copyright 2017 r.k.morris

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