Nap Time

Here is the text that accompanied the peaceful and evocative painting Nap Time, by Paul Tibedeau in the 2020 Poetry Art Night Exhibit hosted by the Village Fine Arts Association at the Suzanne Haskew Arts Center in Milford, MI.

Check out more of Paul’s wonderful artwork on his Facebook page Paul Tibedeau Fine Art.

Click here to see Paul’s oil painting and the poem Nap Time by Richard K. Morris in the Poetry Art Night virtual exhibit:

As always, thanks for reading. Don’t forget to make a contribution to the arts here by clicking on the Paypal link on the homepage and making your most generous gift.

Nap Time

Bright sun and the steady hum

of insects

casts a lullaby

a sound of summer that soothes.

In the cool shade beneath this roof

a drowsy state descends

upon us friends.

Midway along this alfalfa-scented day

hours to go before more sweet hay

until then, here we stand:

drooping lips, misty eyes

swishing tails shooing flies.

Sunlight and shadow

silence and sound

Time passes and stands still

all at once

Contrasts combine in a somnolent blend.

It breathes sleep upon us

cradles us

in this golden hour.

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