Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head (social media edition part 1)

Editor’s note:  A scenario in several parts to add  to that pastime of telling scary stories around a campfire, or wherever friends and family gather.

Which part will you play?  Uncle Charlie? Bonita, or one of her cousins?  How about one of the Mysterious voices?  Are you brave enough to take the role of Joe?  Enjoy.

(The facebook edition is the  same as the original, except that it is divided into smaller parts more suitable for posting on social media.  Click here to read the undivided original version  Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head.)


The characters:



Mysterious Voice #1

Mysterious Voice #2

Uncle Charlie





The scene:  A campsite at night.  A fire is blazing in a fire pit.  Tents and equipment in the background.  Five campers are seated around the fire.

Huntz:  Sure is a dark night.

Joan:  Look at all those stars.

Uncle Charlie:  You kids get everything cleaned up and put away from dinner?

Bonita, Joan , Huntz, Lou:  Yes.

Bonita:  Everybody ready for some music?  I brought my guitar.

Huntz:  Not yet. I want to hear a ghost story first, then music after, so I can get to sleep.

Lou:  Could we just skip the ghost story please?

Joan:  What’s the matter Lou, afraid of a little campfire creepers?

Lou:  The creepers I get are not the little kind.  I can play percussion on the spoons.

Huntz:  No, let’s hear a story first.  Who knows a good ghost story?

Uncle Charlie:  I don’t know a ghost story, but I do know a pretty scary story, and it happens to be true.

Bonita:  Go on Uncle Charlie, tell us.

Uncle Charlie:  Well, it started out on a night just like this night, at a campsite, just like this one, out in the middle of nowhere, miles from anywhere and anyone.  At least that’s what Joe and Charlie thought when they settled down in front of the fire,  after dinner, just like we are now…

Joe:  Sure is a dark night.

Charlie: Yeah, look at all those stars.

Joe: I wonder if there are any other people out here.

Charlie:  I doubt it.  I haven’t seen a living soul for miles.

Joe: You think I should chop more wood for the fire?

Charlie:  I’ll check.  Looks like plenty.  I cut some up earlier.  That axe of yours really does the job.

Joe:  Yeah, I just had it sharpened.  I knew we’d put it to good use out here.

Charlie: That thing cut through the kindling like nothing, and even went through the bigger stuff with ease.  I bet  it would go right through bone.

Joe:  Bone?  Who wants to cut through bone?

Charlie:  Nobody, I just meant that when I was chopping wood and felt how sharp that axe was, I thought of what would happen if my hand slipped. I wouldn’t want to lose a toe, or even a whole foot.

Joe: No, you wouldn’t want to chop your foot off.  Especially not out here, miles from anywhere.  That’s why you’ve got to be careful when you chop something with an axe.

Charlie: Real careful. You get enough to eat?

Joe;  Yeah, Nothing like dinner under the stars.  I bet I’ll really rest tonight.

Charlie:  Yeah.  Me too, but don’t forget about lunch tomorrow.

Joe:  That’s gonna be something special.  You’re in for a real treat.

Charlie:  We’ll see who gets the treat.  Remember I’ve got my own recipe. Everything’s right there in the cooler, ready to go. You’ll find out how a master does it.

Joe:  Charlie my boy, you might as well give up now.  Tomorrow afternoon, your taste buds are going to declare me the winner.

Charlie:  Wait and see Joe, just wait–hey, did you hear that?

Joe;  What?  I didn’t hear anything

Charlie:  Something strange.  A kind of wailing, out there, in the night.  Sounded like a child , you know, like a kid who’s lost and crying for his mamma, but too scared to be really loud, just kind of wailing, low and mournful.

Joe:  Cut it out Charlie, you must be hearing things.  No kids out here anyway.  If you heard anything it was probably just an animal.

Charlie:  There it goes again.

Joe:  I hear it now too.  And rustling in the bushes.   Something is moving out there in the dark.  I can’t tell for sure,  but it seems to be  getting closer.

Charlie: What kind of animal makes a sound like that?  It’s giving me the creeps.

Joe:  Probably raccoons, or maybe coyotes.  They can make some pretty weird noises.

Charlie:  I don’t know.  I don’t think that’s any animal.  A sound like that could only be made by a human.

Joe:  Charlie, there aren’t any people around here besides you and I.  There can’t be.  We didn’t pass any other campsites.  I can’t even remember  when we last saw a car, and the only building for miles is that deserted looking farmers stand back by the main road.

Charlie:  Just the same, there it is again.  I’m going to  find out.

Joe:  Wait, Charlie.  Don’t go out there.

Charlie:  What?  Why not?

Joe: I don’t think it’s safe out there.  I just remembered something.

Charlie:  What?  What did you remember Joe?

Joe:  I read some stories online about a group, a cult or something, that supposedly does bizarre rituals out in these woods.

Charlie:  This is a fine time to remember.  Why didn’t you think of that before we came out here?  There it is again.  I think they’re getting closer.

Joe:  I didn’t take it seriously.  I thought it was just  an online legend or hoax.

Charlie:  Those are definitely human sounds Joe,  and they’re starting to surround the campsite.  Come on, we’ve got to get out of here!

Joe:  Wait.  It’s too late!

Charlie:  What the–?  Where did that come from?

Joe:  Someone threw it in from out of the darkness just beyond the light of our fire.

Charlie:  Did you hear the sound it made when it landed. It must be heavy.

Joe:  Yeah, I heard it, a real thud.  It rolled pretty close to you after it landed.  Can you tell what it is?

Charlie:  Something in a brown paper bag.  Something about the size of a bowling ball.

Joe:  What is it Charlie?  What’s in the bag?

Charlie:  I don’t know.  I’m reaching in.  I can’t tell, but it feels like, like…

Joe: Like what?  What is it?

Charlie:  It’s a  head.

Joe:  A head?

Charlie:  Yes,  a head, or rather, half a head.  Whoever did this must have used an incredibly sharp instrument.  It’s cut clean through the middle, not even the slightest fraying.

Joe:  Cut clean through the middle.  I  think I’m going to be sick.  Do you suppose there’s any chance of, of identifying  the, the– maybe in the daylight?

Charlie: I don’t know.   If I could just get my fingers around it.  Yes it definitely feels like– I don’t know if I can–  it’s a little bit slippery, but if I can just hold on without dropping it and get it out and get a good look.

Joe:  Don’t, I can’t watch.


Continued in Campfire Creepers:  Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head (social media edition part 2)


copyright 2016 r.k.morris

Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head (social media edition part3)

Continued from Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head (social media edition part 2).

Click here to read the full version Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head.

Charlie:  I might have known.    Well, I might as well know this too; how are you going to prepare it?

Mysterious Voice #1:  Oh, I don’t know, a little seasoning, perhaps some olives, and tomato, and balsamic vinegar.

Charlie:  Balsamic vinegar?  Joe would appreciate that.  He favored balsamic vinegar.

Mysterious Voice #1:  Would you care to join us?

Charlie:  I don’t think I could.  Not after what I’ve done.  Look at him, lying there.  Poor Joe.  I’m sorry old friend.  I suppose I should do something with the rest of Joe’s…  You might as well have it.

Mysterious Voice #1  Are you sure?  We only gave you half a head.

Charlie”  Yes.  Yes, I’m sure Joe would have wanted it this way.  You might as well have the other half too, as long as you eat it while it’s fresh.

Mysterious Voice #1:  This is most generous of you.

Charlie:  That’s all right.  Besides, Joe has another one at home, even bigger than this.

Mysterious Voice #1:  Even bigger?

Charlie:  Yes, he’s been growing it for some time.  He tried to keep it a secret, but I found out, I’ve  been watching it for weeks now.  Joe’s other head is huge, practically monstrous.

Mysterious Voice #1:  It would have to be, to be bigger than this.

Charlie:  But completely organic.  No chemicals, no sir, not in Joe’s garden.  He always has been the better gardener, and I’ve known it all along.  Every year we find a new place to get away and have our own private home grown salad competition.  I always find a way to keep it close, sometimes I even win, but this year I knew I didn’t stand a chance, not with lettuce like that.


Uncle Charlie:  Yes Lou, what is it?

Lou:  You mean the whole time all those Creeper Keeper people wanted was for this Charlie guy to give them a head of lettuce?

Uncle Charlie:  That’s right Lou.

Lou:  And this Charlie guy, which was really you,  took the axe to cut it in half and his friend Joe was so upset when he knew what Charlie, that is you, were going to do with the axe that he passed out?

Uncle Charlie.  You’ve followed the tale completely Lou, why do you ask?

Lou:  Why do I ask?  I’ll tell you why do I ask.  Because I’ve been hiding under my sleeping bag for twenty minutes all because a couple of guys are gonna trade a half a head of cabbage for a half a head of lettuce, that’s why do I ask.  You call that a scary story?

Uncle Charlie:  Yes Lou.  It did scare you, didn’t it?

Lou: You bet it did.

Bonita:  Then why are you so upset Lou?

Lou:  Because I’m  ashamed of myself.  I’m just a big scaredy-cat.

Uncle Charlie:  That’s nothing to be ashamed of Lou.  The story was supposed to scare you.  Look at brave Huntz, wedged between his two cousins.  You think he wasn’t scared?

Lou:  What about Bonita and Joan?  They don’t look scared at all.

Uncle Charlie:  What about it girls?

Joan:  Well, I might have been a little scared at first, before I figured it out.

Bonita:  I have to confess I was just a teensy bit frightened when I thought you really–oh but of course it was all such a funny story.  You really had Lou and Huntz going.

Huntz:  That’s all right girls, you can let go of my arms now, I’m starting to loose circulation, and please take your fingernails with you.

Uncle Charlie:  See Lou, everyone was scared.  There’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Lou: And nothing bad really happened.  You just told the story to make us think bad things were happening, but it was just the way you told it, just to make it seem scary, right.

Uncle Charlie:  That’s right Lou.

Lou: And those Creeper Keeper guys.  They weren’t really bad?

Uncle Charlie:  Not at all.  The nicest fellows actually.  You remember that deserted looking farm stand Joe and I saw by the road?  That was theirs.  We’re friends on Facebook now, and they even have Amazon Prime.  I helped them go organic, and their deserted farm stand is now a thriving organic produce and health care market.  They even sell all natural skin moisturizers.

Lou:  And Joe, he was just passed out, but he woke up and you guys are still friends?

Uncle Charlie:  No.  I’m afraid Joe’s  is the one part of the story that did not turn out happy.  Seems he never did recover from the shock of seeing what I did to his head of lettuce with that axe.  Oh, we went back home as friends all right, but I could tell right away that something was different.  Joe was never the same gardener as he had been before that night.  His other head of lettuce, the one that was even bigger than the one I traded, it soon turned brown and died.  No matter how he tried, Joe just couldn’t get a good yield after that.  He had lost his green thumb for good.

Bonita:  That’s sad.  I feel sorry for Joe.

Uncle Charlie:  Yes, and that isn’t the worst of it.  Joe blamed me for causing him to loose his gardening skill.  I guess he is right in a way, but he swore revenge on me.  Started following me around with a sharp axe, garden tools, and the like, and said he would make me pay for what I had done.

Bonita: Make you pay?  Did he say how?

Uncle Charlie:  He didn’t need to.  I could read the look in his eyes.  Then there was time with the reaping sickle.  I barely managed to dodge that one.

Joan:  A reaping sickle?

Uncle Charlie:  Yes, that would have made my little story tonight seem like a fairy tale in comparison.  But, we don’t have to worry about Joe anymore.  It’s not likely that he will escape.

Lou:  Escape?

Uncle Charlie: Yes, from the mental institution.

Joan: The mental institution?

Uncle Charlie:  Yes.  For the criminally insane.  Oh don’t look so worried.  No one has escaped from that institution in years.

Huntz:  That’s sure a relief.

Uncle Charlie:  Yes, it was many years ago.  I would have been about your age, in fact, and I was quite concerned when my Uncle Fred, your Grandpa Fred, told me about it because, well the place is just a mile or so from here, which is why this area is so deserted, and we were camping not far from here.  Not far at all;  in fact I think it might have been this very spot.  I do believe I recognize that tree with the huge gash in the trunk.  That’s where Uncle Fred went to find out what was making those strange noises in the dark.  Of course the stains on the bark have faded over the years, but I think that is the tree–

Lou:  Uncle Charlie?

Uncle Charlie:  Yes Lou.

Lou:  Please tell me you still raise a garden.

Uncle Charlie:  Of course I do Lou.

Lou: And Uncle Charlie.

Uncle Charlie:  Yes Lou?

Lou:  Please tell me you brought cabbages with you tonight, and that that is not your friend Crazy Joe hurling them out of the woods.

Uncle Charlie:  What?  One, two, three four cabbages, all chopped clean in half.! Kids?

Bonita, Joan, Huntz, Lou:  Yes?

Uncle Charlie:  RUN!!



Epilogue and Editor’s note.  Every person in this scenario made it safely home at the scheduled end of the camping trip.  Joe really didn’t go crazy and swear revenge on Uncle Charlie, but he was hiding out in the bushes, hurling cabbages as he and Charlie had pre-arranged.  The camping trip became an annual tradition for Charlie and his nieces and nephews, and Charlie devoted much time and energy  to come up with new Campfire Creepers for his beloved family.

This scenario draws inspiration from several sources, notably the comedy-mystery movies of the 1940’s, also many of the mystery radio shows of the Golden Age of Radio,  from which I learned the device of having the characters describe their own actions in such deliberate detail.  The Sirius/XM channel Radio Classics, hosted by Greg Bell (,  has been a great boon in providing listening opportunities for this important but sadly mostly forgotten form of story telling and entertainment. 

  I have also drawn some inspiration from a recent decade:  the Nickelodeon animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender,  created by Michael Dante DiMartino  and  Brian Konietzko,  and the  Puppetmaster episode  in which the main characters are encamped one night.  Sokka has been trying without success to frighten the others with ghost stories, when  Katara   says she remembers a true story that she tells with chilling effect.

Bonita is for Bonita Granville, whose many screen credits include playing Nancy Drew in several Nancy Drew  mystery motion pictures in the 1930’s

Joan is for Joan Davis, comic actress who appeared in many motion pictures, including the  1941 Abbott and Costello comedy-mystery  Hold that Ghost.

Huntz is for Huntz Hall of the Dead End Kids/ Bowery Boys team, whose films include several comedy-mysteries.

Lou if for Lou Costello, of the comedy team Abbott and Costello, whose film credits included several comedy-mysteries, including the aforementioned Hold that Ghost.

Thanks for reading.  I hope this scenario provides chills and laughs and a shared experience for you, your family, and friends.

Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head (social media edition part 2)

Continued from  Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head (social media edition part1)


Charlie:  That’s okay.  I’ve removed it from the bag.  Just as I thought, this head is a very fine cabbage.

Joe:  Cabbage?  Did you say cabbage?

Charlie:  Yes,  cabbage.

Joe:  You had me terrified all this time about a head of cabbage?  Why didn’t you specify “A HEAD OF CABBAGE,”  instead of just saying “A head”?

Charlie:  I wanted to be sure.  I thought there was just the slightest chance it was lettuce, but I knew from the sound it made when it landed that it was probably too heavy to be lettuce.  Still, I had to make sure.  I know how you don’t like cabbage.

Joe: Never mind how I don’t like cabbage.  You had me believing there was a human head in that bag.

Charlie: A human head ?  You  thought there was a human head in this  bag?

Joe:  Yes, a human head.  Or actually half a human head,  which is even worse.

Charlie:  Come on Joe,  that’s crazy.  I mean, seriously,  what kind of person would do something like that?

Joe:  Someone pretty bad?

Charlie:  Hold on  a minute.  What are we talking about Joe?  Nobody cut off anybody’s head.  That was just a cabbage in that bag, remember?

Joe: Yeah, that’s right.  It was just a cabbage.

Charlie:  We’re getting all creeped out over a head of cabbage.

Joe: Yeah, a head of cabbage.  That’s pretty funny.  Imagine that.

Charlie:  Boy, do I feel relieved.

Joe:  Charlie, there’s just one thing I want to know.

Charlie:  Yeah Joe, what’s that?

Joe:  Who threw that cabbage?

Charlie:  You’re right, somebody threw it.

Joe:  Somebody out there.

Charlie: In  the dark.

Joe: Surrounding us.

Charlie:  Somebody with an incredibly sharp instrument.

Joe: What do you suppose they want?

Charlie: Probably just some pranksters, trying to frighten us for laughs.

Joe:  Yeah, and it worked.

Charlie:  YOU OUT THERE!

Joe: Did you hear that, they’re laughing at us.


Mysterious  voice #1:  We are The Keepers of the Dark Wood.

Charlie:  The Keepers of the Dark Wood?

Mysterious Voice #2: Yes, you’ve heard of us?

Charlie: No.

Mysterious Voice #2: We’re on Facebook.

Charlie: No

Mysterious Voice#2: Twitter?

Joe: Afraid not.

Mysterious Voice#2 Instagram? Snapchat?

Charlie:  Sorry, nothing.

Mysterious Voice #1: Enough!  Stop this useless babbling.  We are here to trade with you.

Charlie:  Trade, what kind of a trade?

Mysterious Voice #1:  A fair trade.   A one for one trade.

Joe:   We don’t appreciate your little prank. Suppose we don’t want to trade with you?

Mysterious Voice #1:  You are trespassers in the Dark Wood.  There are penalties for that, if we choose to be unpleasant.  And besides, we could just take what we want.  If you are wise, you will accept the offer to trade.

Charlie:  Tell us first what you want to trade.

Mysterious Voice #1:  You have our trade item in your hand.

Charlie:  This?  The cabbage?

Mysterious Voice #1:  That is correct.  The head of cabbage.

Joe: And in return you want?

Mysterious Voice #1: In return for our head–

Joe: Actually it’s half a head.

Mysterious Voice #1: Very well, in return for our half a head, we want half a head of yours.

Charlie:  You want half of one of our heads?

Mysterious Voice #1:  Come,  come, you have two.  All we ask is half of one.

Charlie:  What you’re suggesting is, is…?

Mysterious Voice #1:  What we are suggesting is that one of you gentleman bring us half of one head between the two that you have.

Charlie: And which of us do you suppose is going to do that?

Mysterious Voice #1:  Naturally I assume that is something you two will settle between yourselves.  I should imagine the one who acts first will manage to decide the matter quickly.  I notice that camp axe near your fire.

Charlie:  What you’re suggesting is–

Mysterious Voice #1 :  I am merely suggesting that one of you execute the trade we have proposed.  The alternative would be unpleasant for both of you.     This way at least one of you can avoid a loss.

Joe:  Charlie, what are you doing?  Come back here.

Charlie:  I’m sorry Joe, but it has to be this way.

Joe:  Charlie, put down that axe!  Charlie, please, in the name of our friendship no!

Charlie:  There’s no other way Joe.  It’s either one or both of us, you heard him.  Joe?  Joe?  I guess the shock was to much for you, old friend, you’ve passed out.  Perhaps it’s just as well, I wouldn’t want to see the look in your eyes when I–well at least this axe is good and sharp.  One quick, solid blow ought to do it.  There!  It’s done.  I’m sorry old friend, but it was yours or mine. YOU OUT THERE, HERE IT IS.

Huntz:  Wait a minute Uncle Charlie, wait a minute!

Uncle Charlie:  Yes Huntz, what is it?

Huntz:  You said this was a true story, right?

Uncle Charle:  That’s right Huntz.

Huntz:  And so far there are only four people in the story.  Two of them are those weird keepers and one of them is this Joe guy and from the sound of it he’s not going to be doing much talking, so how come you know so much about it?

Uncle Charlie:  Why Huntz, I’m surprised you haven’t figured that out by now.

Huntz:  Figured what out, Uncle Charlie?

Joan:  That our Uncle Charlie is the Charlie in the story, Huntz.

Huntz:  What?  Uncle Charlie?  You mean with the axe and the head and Joe laying there on the ground?   Joan, I’m surprised at you.  That’s our Uncle Charlie you’re talking about.

Uncle Charlie:  I’m afraid your cousin is right Huntz.  I am the Charlie in the story.

Huntz:  Meep.

Uncle Charlie:  What was that?

Huntz:  Nothing.  Has anyone seen Lou?

Bonita:  I haven’t seen Lou for a while, but I do see his sleeping bag shivering.

Joan:  Lou?  Lou, are you under there?

Lou:  Leave me alone.   Unless your next words are “We’re getting out of here” just leave me alone.

Huntz:  I agree with Lou.  Uncle Charlie, how could you?

Uncle Charlie:  If you kids will just calm down and let me finish the story,  you will see just how, and what, I really did.

Huntz:  Well, all right.  But you stay on your own side of the fire.  I’m staying here between Joan and Bonita.

Uncle Charlie:    Now,  getting back to the story.   So, there I was, holding my friends head in my hands, and  the voice said.

Mysterious Voice #1:  Bring it to me.

Charlie:  I can’t see very well beyond the campfire.  I’m walking to the sound of your voice.

Mysterious Voice #1:  I’m right here, in the shadows.  Bring it.

Charlie:  Well,  here it is.  I can’t see you, but I can feel your hands;  they’re rough, and cracked, like old leather.

Mysterious Voice #1:  Life is harsh here in the Dark Woods.

Charlie:  Have you tried moisturizer?

Mysterious Voice #1:  We don’t get to the store very often.

Mysterious Voice #2:  I told you about Amazon Prime.  We could get anything we want delivered right here.

Charlie:  He’s right you know.  They even have drones.  No driver, just a little automated flying thingy, delivers the package right here.

Mysterious Voice #2:  Ooh, a drone.    I would love to see a drone.

Mysterious Voice #1: Silence.  I am not interested in drones or moisturizer.  You will hand over your trade item please.

Charlie:  There it is, take it.

Mysterious Voice #1:  Yes, very fine.

Charlie:  Do you mind telling me  what are you going to do with it?

Mysterious Voice #1:  We are going to eat it.

Continued in Campfire Creepers: Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head (social media edition part 2)



copyright 2016 r.k.morris


Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head (social media edition part1)

Editor’s note:  A scenario in several parts to add  to that pastime of telling scary stories around a campfire, or wherever friends and family gather, in a format that allows group participation. Enjoy.

(The facebook edition is the  same as the original, except that it is divided into smaller parts more suitable for posting on social media.  Click here to read the undivided original version  Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head.)


The characters:



Mysterious Voice #1

Mysterious Voice #2

Uncle Charlie





The scene:  A campsite at night.  A fire is blazing in a fire pit.  Tents and equipment in the background.  Five campers are seated around the fire.

Huntz:  Sure is a dark night.

Joan:  Look at all those stars.

Uncle Charlie:  You kids get everything cleaned up and put away from dinner?

Bonita, Joan , Huntz, Lou:  Yes.

Bonita:  Everybody ready for some music?  I brought my guitar.

Huntz:  Not yet. I want to hear a ghost story first, then music after, so I can get to sleep.

Lou:  Could we just skip the ghost story please?

Joan:  What’s the matter Lou, afraid of a little campfire creepers?

Lou:  The creepers I get are not the little kind.  I can play percussion on the spoons.

Huntz:  No, let’s hear a story first.  Who knows a good ghost story?

Uncle Charlie:  I don’t know a ghost story, but I do know a pretty scary story, and it happens to be true.

Bonita:  Go on Uncle Charlie, tell us.

Uncle Charlie:  Well, it started out on a night just like this night, at a campsite, just like this one, out in the middle of nowhere, miles from anywhere and anyone.  At least that’s what Joe and Charlie thought when they settled down in front of the fire,  after dinner, just like we are now…

Joe:  Sure is a dark night.

Charlie: Yeah, look at all those stars.

Joe: I wonder if there are any other people out here.

Charlie:  I doubt it.  I haven’t seen a living soul for miles.

Joe: You think I should chop more wood for the fire?

Charlie:  I’ll check.  Looks like plenty.  I cut some up earlier.  That axe of yours really does the job.

Joe:  Yeah, I just had it sharpened.  I knew we’d put it to good use out here.

Charlie: That thing cut through the kindling like nothing, and even went through the bigger stuff with ease.  I bet  it would go right through bone.

Joe:  Bone?  Who wants to cut through bone?

Charlie:  Nobody, I just meant that when I was chopping wood and felt how sharp that axe was, I thought of what would happen if my hand slipped. I wouldn’t want to lose a toe, or even a whole foot.

Joe: No, you wouldn’t want to chop your foot off.  Especially not out here, miles from anywhere.  That’s why you’ve got to be careful when you chop something with an axe.

Charlie: Real careful. You get enough to eat?

Joe;  Yeah, Nothing like dinner under the stars.  I bet I’ll really rest tonight.

Charlie:  Yeah.  Me too, but don’t forget about lunch tomorrow.

Joe:  That’s gonna be something special.  You’re in for a real treat.

Charlie:  We’ll see who gets the treat.  Remember I’ve got my own recipe. Everything’s right there in the cooler, ready to go. You’ll find out how a master does it.

Joe:  Charlie my boy, you might as well give up now.  Tomorrow afternoon, your taste buds are going to declare me the winner.

Charlie:  Wait and see Joe, just wait–hey, did you hear that?

Joe;  What?  I didn’t hear anything

Charlie:  Something strange.  A kind of wailing, out there, in the night.  Sounded like a child , you know, like a kid who’s lost and crying for his mamma, but too scared to be really loud, just kind of wailing, low and mournful.

Joe:  Cut it out Charlie, you must be hearing things.  No kids out here anyway.  If you heard anything it was probably just an animal.

Charlie:  There it goes again.

Joe:  I hear it now too.  And rustling in the bushes.   Something is moving out there in the dark.  I can’t tell for sure,  but it seems to be  getting closer.

Charlie: What kind of animal makes a sound like that?  It’s giving me the creeps.

Joe:  Probably raccoons, or maybe coyotes.  They can make some pretty weird noises.

Charlie:  I don’t know.  I don’t think that’s any animal.  A sound like that could only be made by a human.

Joe:  Charlie, there aren’t any people around here besides you and I.  There can’t be.  We didn’t pass any other campsites.  I can’t even remember  when we last saw a car, and the only building for miles is that deserted looking farmers stand back by the main road.

Charlie:  Just the same, there it is again.  I’m going to  find out.

Joe:  Wait, Charlie.  Don’t go out there.

Charlie:  What?  Why not?

Joe: I don’t think it’s safe out there.  I just remembered something.

Charlie:  What?  What did you remember Joe?

Joe:  I read some stories online about a group, a cult or something, that supposedly does bizarre rituals out in these woods.

Charlie:  This is a fine time to remember.  Why didn’t you think of that before we came out here?  There it is again.  I think they’re getting closer.

Joe:  I didn’t take it seriously.  I thought it was just  an online legend or hoax.

Charlie:  Those are definitely human sounds Joe,  and they’re starting to surround the campsite.  Come on, we’ve got to get out of here!

Joe:  Wait.  It’s too late!

Charlie:  What the–?  Where did that come from?

Joe:  Someone threw it in from out of the darkness just beyond the light of our fire.

Charlie:  Did you hear the sound it made when it landed. It must be heavy.

Joe:  Yeah, I heard it, a real thud.  It rolled pretty close to you after it landed.  Can you tell what it is?

Charlie:  Something in a brown paper bag.  Something about the size of a bowling ball.

Joe:  What is it Charlie?  What’s in the bag?

Charlie:  I don’t know.  I’m reaching in.  I can’t tell, but it feels like, like…

Joe: Like what?  What is it?

Charlie:  It’s a  head.

Joe:  A head?

Charlie:  Yes,  a head, or rather, half a head.  Whoever did this must have used an incredibly sharp instrument.  It’s cut clean through the middle, not even the slightest fraying.

Joe:  Cut clean through the middle.  I  think I’m going to be sick.  Do you suppose there’s any chance of, of identifying  the, the– maybe in the daylight?

Charlie: I don’t know.   If I could just get my fingers around it.  Yes it definitely feels like– I don’t know if I can–  it’s a little bit slippery, but if I can just hold on without dropping it and get it out and get a good look.

Joe:  Don’t, I can’t watch.


Continued in Campfire Creepers:  Campfire Creepers: My Friends Head (social media edition part 2)


copyright 2016 r.k.morris

Belly’s Ahoy!

Just in time for Father’s Day.  Inspired by those old salty sea airs.  I can’t write music, but the tune is in my head.  Make up your own tune and sing this one to your Pappy and see if it doesn’t bring a smile to his face!

Belly’s Ahoy, lads

Belly’s Ahoy!

We’ll all come shaking

Belly’s Ahoy.

Some dress in glad rags,

some jump for joy

All come shouting

Belly’s Ahoy!

We’re not making mischief

nor is this a ploy

we’re merely observing

Belly’s Ahoy!

Now each lad and lass, boy

each girl and boy

take wind of the weather,

Belly’s Ahoy!

With temperatures rising

bare midriffs deploy

loosen your topsail

Belly’s Ahoy!

Come now my hearties

we won’t destroy

your slim silhouette

with our Belly’s Ahoy.

There[‘s no need to boast

or be modestly coy

join all the host

singing Belly’s Ahoy!


The Ongoing Discomfiture of Mr. Gordon con’t (Ski Bums part 7)

To start at the beginning click here:Ski bums and sagbutts: A madcap frolic in the snow. (Part 1fb)


We left Mr. Gordon wondering what to do if Miss Darling returned before Frankie had brought  Mr. Gordon his other pair of pants, to which Frankie responded: “Just hold on to that blanket, Mr. Gordon, and she’ll never know. ”

We resume the tale as Frankie assures Mr. Gordon:

” I’ll be back in a flash with some dry duds.  Don’t you worry about a thing.”

“I’ll try not to, Mr.  Elliott.  My room is though that door behind you.”

Frankie disappeared through the doorway and returned in a few moments holding up a pair of trousers.  “I found them for you, Mr. Gordon.  Now just stick your out feet and we’ll have you all dressed up in no time.”

It was at that moment that Polly returned from the kitchen.  Frankie, seeing her coming from the corner of his eye, quickly stuffed Mr. Gordon’s pants into his coat.

“Mr.  Elliott,  before I forget to tell you,  Father would like you to get back to the hotel as soon as possible so that the band has some extra time to rehearse with you before the after dinner crowd starts to arrive.”

“Right away?”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

“That’s okay, Polly, any bandleader worth his salt would want a few extra run-throughs with a last- minute, fill-in musician.  I’ll start back right  away.”

“Mr. Elliot!  Mr.  Elliott!  You can’t leave now.”

“You heard what Polly said, Mr. Gordon.”

“Yes, but not right this instant.  Aren’t you forgetting something?  Polly dear, don’t you think you should go check on Mr. Wellbright?  You know how helpless men can be in the kitchen.”

“Phil’s fine, Mr. Gordon.  I left him stirring the cocoa.  You just sit back and relax and let us take care of everything.  You will tell father I sent you back as soon as I found you, won’t you Frankie?  I do so want him to trust me with responsibility.”

“I’ll be sure to arrive out of breath so as to give your old man the impression you instructed me to make the utmost haste.”

“The utmost haste?  That sounds very responsible. Thank you Frankie, that would be wonderful of you.”

“Mr. Elliot, not that much haste.  Please, aren’t you forgetting something?”

“I’m sorry Mr. Gordon, I’ve got to run.  Polly’s good standing with her father is at stake.  Tell Phil I’ll see him after our set.  Good-bye for now.”

“There goes Frankie.”

“There go my pants.”

“Your what, Mr. Gordon?”

“My–my chance.  There goes my chance to get some instruction on the sagbutt from Mr. Elliott.”

“Don’t look so down-hearted.  I’m sure you’ll get another chance.  Just be patient.”

“I’m not sure how long I can wait.”

“I didn’t realize getting instruction on the sagbutt was that important to you.  If you’re feeling well enough now, we can try to catch up with him.”

“No! No, that’s fine, I’ll stay here and wait for another pair, I mean another chance.  There’s no point in us chasing after Mr. Elliott in the snow.”

At this moment Phil came in from the kitchen, carrying a serving tray with four cups on it.  “The cocoa’s all ready.  Wait till you have some of this, Mr. Gordon.  This will cheer you right up.  Say, where’s Frankie?”

“He had to hurry back to the hotel.  That was the message my father wanted me to deliver.  Frankie said he’d catch up with you after their set.”

“Okay, that leaves more cocoa for the three of us.  I’ll just set the tray on this table, and, let me see, this chair right here–”

“No, not that chair Mr. Wellbright.”

“What’s wrong with this chair, Mr. Gordon.”

“It’s just that, that I spilled a whole pitcher of water on the seat cushion earlier, and Mr.  Elliott was kind enough to push it up facing the fire like that to help dry it.  I’m sure it’s still too wet to sit on.  There are chairs at the kitchen table,  two of those will fit nicely for now.”

“Alright, I’ll be right back.”

“Mr. Gordon, would you like to sit up to drink your cocoa?”

“What’s that?  Sit up?  Why I should say not.  I’ll just lie still like this, nice and cozy, and covered.”

“But Mr. Gordon, how will you drink the hot cocoa lying in that position?”

“With a straw.”

“A straw?”

“Yes, I always like to drink hot cocoa with a straw.  I like to blow bubbles and watch them burst in the cup.”

“Whatever you say Mr. Gordon.  Here’s Phil with the chairs.  Phil, Mr. Gordon says he likes to drink his hot cocoa with a straw.”

“A straw?  Mr. Gordon, I looked through every cabinet in there while I was finding all the stuff to make this cocoa, and I didn’t see any straws.  Now here, let me prop you up on some pillows so you can drink this.”

“No, no. I don’t want to be propped up.”

“At least let me tuck that blanket in for you.  I want to show you that I can do you some good.  There, nice and snug, almost like in a sleeping bag.”

“Yes, yes, that is rather snug, as you say, almost like a sleeping bag.  Thank you Mr. Wellbright.”

“Don’t mention it, Mr. Gordon.”

“You know, I believe now that I would like to sit up a bit to drink that cocoa.  Now that you’ve tucked that blanket around my legs I feel more at ease somehow.”

“That’s the spirit, Mr. Gordon.”

“Now if you’ll just set those two kitchen chairs with their backs to the fire, I can sit like this and you can sit there and we can all drink our cocoa and have a nice chat.”

“That’s fine Mr. Gordon.  I sure hope you like it.  Polly put in all the ingredients, but I stirred.”

“It is delicious.  Thank you Polly, thank you Mr. Wellbright.”

“I sure wish you would call me Phil.  After all, we are neighbors, and I like to think you think of me as your friend.”

“Oh, do you live in the same town as Mr. Gordon?”

“Yes Polly, as a matter of fact Frankie and I both live in the same town as Mr. Gordon, and I just want to say to you Mr. Gordon how sorry I am for all the trouble we’ve–what’s that?”

“What Phil?”

“I smell something.”

“Smell something?  Like what?”

“Like something burning.”

“Of course, the fireplace is right behind you.”

“Not the fireplace,  unless you threw some old ropes in there.”

Polly stood up.  “Phil, the chair, it’s on fire!”

Phil stood up. “On fire?!”

“Fire!”   Mr Gordon stood up, clinging to his blanket.

“It sure is!   Polly, Mr. Gordon, you two better wait outside.  I think I can smother the fire with this blanket.”  With that decisive statement, and without hesitating another moment, Phil tore the blanket from Mr. Gordon’s grasp and proceeded to beat at the flames.

It is perhaps fortunate that so engrossed in the spectacle of the fire was Polly that she did not even notice the bare legs of Mr, Gordon as they hurried outside and turned to watch Phil’s struggle against the small conflagration from the safety of the snowy outdoors.

For his part, Mr. Gordon was speechless and dumbfounded, doubly stunned by the fearsome potential of his rented abode going up in flames, and the equally fearsome reality that the only pair of pants he owned within donning distance were at that moment succumbing to the same horrible fate.  How long Mr. Gordon would have remained in this spellbound state is uncertain if it had not been for the sound of approaching sleigh bells gently impressing themselves on his consciousness, followed by the more distinct sound of his wife’s voice calling his name.  Mr. Gordon responded to his beloved’s call like a delirious fever victim experiencing a miraculous recovery upon hearing the voice of a long -lost loved one.

“Martha?  Martha, is that you?”

“Oswald, what are you doing?”

“Martha, it is you.  Then I’m not dreaming.”

“No, you are not dreaming, but I believe you have some explaining to do.”


“Get a hold of yourself, Oswald.  Look, Sam Rawlings is here, and so are Mrs. Springington, and Alice and Olivia. ”

“They’re with you too.  Yes, I see them.  What a pleasant surprise.  I’d invite you in only. . .”

“Oswald!  Look at yourself!”


“Your pants!”

“My pants?”

As if on cue Phil came out of the house carrying the charred remains of Mr, Gordon’s pants at the end of a fireplace poker.  “Would you look at this, somebody’s pants were on fire.”

“My pants!  Good heavens.  Girls!  Ladies!”  With awareness suddenly returning to its throne, Mr. Gordon rushed to the cover of the nearest evergreen trees.

“Oswald, I believe you owe us an explanation.”

To which the trees seemed to answer.  “Yes dear.  If I could just trouble Mr. Wellbright to bring me, to bring me what’s left of those.”

“Sure Mr. Gordon, here you go.  I think I saved most of the seat for you.  The legs are pretty much gone though.”

“Thank you Mr. Wellbright.”  The tree seemed to swallow up the still smoking pants.  There was a rustling of needle covered branches, punctuated by an occasional “Ouch.”  In a moment Mr. Gordon appeared, looking from the waist down like one of those illustrations of a shipwrecked mariner whose frayed trousers cover just to the knees.

“Hello Martha.  Hello everyone.  So nice to see you all.  I suppose it’s safe to go inside now.”

“Just one moment Oswald.  You were about to give us an explanation.”

“An explanation?  Yes, well certainly.  An explanation. . . Did you happen to see Mr. Elliott running past you in the opposite direction?”

Mrs. Gordon stepped forward and put her arms around her husband.  “Oh Oswald, my poor dear.  You needn’t say another word.”


To be continued. . .


Copyright 2017 r.k.morris

Ski bums and Sagbutts A Madcap Frolic in the Snow (Part 6)

If you want to start at the beginning, click here to read Ski Bums and Sagbutts- A Madcap Frolic in the Snow (Parts 1 to 4)


Part Six:  Don’t Look Darling, or The Ongoing Discomfiture of Mr. Gordon.

With Mr. Gordon still asleep on the sofa,  we left Phil and Frankie in conversation as there is a knock on the door of the cabin.  Phil opens the door and says “Oh, Hello, uh,  Miss?

“Yes.    My father sent me to find Mr. Elliott.  Is he here?”

“Sure, he’s right here.  Won’t you come in?”

“Thank you. Oh dear, what happened to Mr. Gordon?”

“Frankie happened to Mr. Gordon.”


“I mean, we had a little mishap with the snow coming down off the roof.  Mr.  Gordon found himself at the center of a minor avalanche. ”

“Was he hurt?”

“No, just shaken up a little. He’ll be allright.  He fell asleep almost as soon as we brought him inside and laid him down on that sofa.”

“Poor Mr. Gordon.  After he told me about all those terrible things that kept happening to him, and how he came up here to get some peace and quiet, and now this.”

“Mr. Gordon told you about terrible things that kept happening to him?”

“Yes.  It seems there are these two men in the town where Mr. Gordon lives.  He can’t decide whether they’re just a couple of well-meaning imbeciles, or if they’re really out to get him, but the most horrible things happen to Mr. Gordon whenever they’re around.  Would you believe one of them actually knocked Mr. Gordon unconscious with a snow shovel?”

Phil looked at Frankie,  “And now this.”

“Pardon me?”

“I’m sorry Miss  ah…?”


“I beg your pardon?”

“Miss Darling.  Miss Polly Darling.”

“Oh, your name is Darling?”

“That’s right, at least that’s what grandfather changed it to when he and grandmother came to America.  Don’t ask me to pronounce the original for you; it was so many consonants and syllables: our name looked like on of those places on the map in the Dutch East Indies.”

“Your family is Dutch then?”

“Sure, lots of Van families around here.  We had a Van in our name too, but Grandfather dropped it to sound more American.”

“So your grandfather shortened the family name from something like Van Djarlinkerhooten?”

“That’s the general idea.  except there wasn’t even anything remotely close to Darling in our original name.  The family legend passed down by my Grandmother is that whenever she and Grandfather would go for a walk in the park in New York, where they first settled before they moved out here, they would pass the young couples sitting on the benches and that’s where he first heard the word darling.  According to Grandmother, Grandfather thought that was what  all Americans  called each other, so that was the name he adopted.”

“It’s a good thing your grandparents never walked by my cousin Willie when he was out with a dame, or your family name would by Masher.”

“Frankie! . . .  Miss Darling, this questionable character is Mr. Elliott.”

“Pleased to meet you Mr.  Elliott.  Just call me Polly.”

“Same goes for me Polly,  just call me Frankie.  So your Mr. Darling’s daughter.  For your information Curly, Mr. Darling is the owner of the resort.  Polly, my well -mannered friend here,  with whom you have been conversing is –”

“Mr. Philip  Wellbright.  I’m Polly Darling.  but of course you already know that.  Please  just call me Polly.  How do you do Mr. Wellbright.  I’ve so been looking forward to meeting you.  May I call you Phil?”

“Sure, Polly.  You’ve been looking forward to meeting me?”

At this moment Mr. Gordon stirred from his slumbers “Polly?  Polly is that you?”

“Yes Mr. Gordon.  I’m right here.”

“Did those fools get you too, I mean, are you all right?”

“Yes, Mr. Gordon, I’m fine.  Father sent me on an errand to find Mr.  Elliott.  I hope our talking didn’t disturb you.”

“Not in the least my child.  Yours was like the voice of a healing angel amid the tumult of battle.”

“We’re awful sorry about that Mr. Gordon, and well, we’re sorry about everything.”

“Yeah Mr. Gordon, we’re sorry.  At least this time I kept Curly away from the snow shovel.”

“Yes, that was very thoughtful of you Mr.  Elliott.  I’m sure at some distant time in the future I will realize just how fortunate I was that you were here to prevent Mr. Wellbright from seizing a snow shovel and bludgeoning me, but I must confess that for the moment that aspect of the affair provides me  little comfort.”

“Can I get you anything Mr. Gordon?  How about a nice  cup of hot cocoa?”

“Thank you,  Polly, that would be delightful.  You’ll find everything you need in the kitchen.”

“Would you like to come with me, Phil?”

“Sure, Polly, anything to help.”

“You two want a hand?”

“Actually Mr.  Elliott, I wonder if you could stay here for a moment.”

“Sure Mr. Gordon, anything you say. ”

Phil and Polly went into the kitchen.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Gordon?”

“I’m afraid sitting in that pile of snow has caused me to become soaked to the skin.  The fact is, Mr.  Elliott, that my pants are extremely uncomfortable at this moment.  I don’t want to cause any stir with Miss Darling here, you know, to avoid embarrassment for either one of us, so I would like you to keep those two occupied in the kitchen while I  go discretely into the bedroom and put on my other pair of trousers.”

“I’ll do better than that, Mr. Gordon.  I’ll bring the dry clothes to you.  You just leave everything to Frankie.  First let’s get you out of those wet pants.  We don’t want you catching a chill.”

“No–Mr.  Elliott, what are you doing?  Let go!”

“Just a little tug.  Hold onto the blanket.  No one will ever notice.  These wet clothes are a little harder to pull off than I expected.”

“No, please, stop!”

“One-more-pull.  There.  Boy, you weren’t kidding, these pants sure are soaked.  Hey are those red-flannels you’re wearing a union suit, or are the drawers separate?”

“I’m afraid the drawers are separate.”

“Better let me have those too.  We don’t want a rash on top of a chill.”

” Mr. Elliott,  I am not a  toddler who needs his diaper changed.”

” I know, I know, but this reminds me of the times I spent with my nephew  Johnny when he was a baby.  I used to change him too.”

“I’m perfectly capable of changing myself,  that is, I just want some dry pants.  My drawers are fine, so don’t bother.”

“It’s no bother, Mr. Gordon, honest. One, two, three.  Got ’em.  These feel kind of damp too.  You got anything else under there?”

“I have, and they’re completely dry and comfortable.  Now will you please go and get my other pair of pants? ”

“Right away, Mr. Gordon.  I’d better hang these wet things of yours in front of the fire to dry. . . there, with the chair turned like that, I don’t think anyone will notice.”

“Please hurry Mr. Elliott. I feel horribly silly like this.  What if they, that is, what if Miss Darling comes in from the kitchen?”

“Just hold on to that blanket, Mr. Gordon, and she’ll never know. ”


To be continued. . .


Copyright 2017 r.k.morris












Ski bums and Sagbutts– A Madcap Frolic in the Snow (Part 5fb)

Do you want to start at the beginning?

Click here to read Ski Bums and Sagbutts- A Madcap Frolic in the Snow (Parts 1 to 4)


We left Phil and Frankie in Mr. Gordon’s cabin.  While Mr. Gordon dozed after being buried in a small avalanche, the boys  carried on a conversation that turned to love.  The tail -end of their talk went something like this as Phil asked:

“I want you to take a good look at me.   Go ahead.  Take your time.  Look at my face.  Do you think that in the eyes of a fine, beautiful, intelligent woman like Alice I would look like a dope?”

“Curly, that’s asking an awful lot, even as your best friend.”

“Let me have it Frankie.”


“I can take it.”

“All right,  you asked for it. . .”

We now resume our tale,   with Phil awaiting Frankie’s pronouncement:


“What a relief!”

“Not  a dope exactly.”


“Of course you’re not exactly Cary Grant.”

“Hold on a minute. I didn’t ask you if I looked like Cary Grant.”

“Or Robert Taylor, or Tyrone Power.”

“That’s aiming awful high Frankie.  I just want to make sure you think I stand a chance-”

“Or Edward Everett Horton.”

“Edward Everett Horton?   Wait a minute, are you saying I’m not as handsome a man as Edward Everett Horton?”

“You have to admit,  he’s a great actor.”

“I know he’s a great actor.  He’s one of the funniest guys on the screen.  And do you know why he’s so funny?  Because his character is usually some sort of confused, not-too-bright, busy body,  which in anybody’s book is a type of dope.”

“But you have to admit, he’s loveable.”

“Well, maybe, in a sorry sort of way.  I mean, some of those faces he makes, like in Top Hat, right before Helen Broderick socks him in the eye.”

Edward Everett Horton about to get socked in the eye by Helen Broderick in the RKO motion picture Top Hat.

“Ouch.   What was that line Fred Astaire’s character used to describe the shiner she gave him?  It was something to do with eggs.”

“Eggs?  What eggs?  The line was that his eye looked “Like a sunrise by Maxfield Parrish.”

“Yeah, that’s it;  reminds me of eggs: sunny-side up.”

“Sometimes I wonder how your brain works.   Does any thought ever go from Point A to Point B, or are you always taking the scenic route by way of Kalamazoo, Chattanooga,  Anaheim, Azusa and Cucamonga ?”

“I guess it’s just my artistic temperament.  You ought to know about that, Curly.  Speaking of Top Hat, Erik Rhodes plays a dope, and he is handsome.”

“Sure he’s handsome, but his characters are always some ridiculous caricature.  It’s a good thing I’m not bald, or you’d start comparing me to Eric Blore.”

“What’s wrong with that?  I have an uncle who looks like Eric Blore.  He’s a great guy.  Does a wonderful impression of Eric Blore too.”

Three very funny men: Erik Rhodes as Beddini, Edward Everett Horton as Horace Hardwick (with “shiner” just visible on left eye), and Eric Blore as Bates in the RKO motion picture Top Hat.

“You’ve got someone in your family that looks like everyone.  Remind me never to go see a Frankenstein movie with you because you’ll probably have a cousin or someone who looks just like Karloff.”

“With or without the make-up?”

“Cut it out, will you?  All I asked you was a simple question, and right away you have to start comparing me to Hollywood leading men.  Robert Taylor,  Tyrone Power, Cary Grant.  What chance does a guy have?”

“Cary Grant can look like a dope.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Sure, remember in Bringing Up Baby, he played that dopey scientist named Bone or something.”

“Yeah, except Bone wasn’t really his name.  That’s just what Katherine Hepburn’s character told her aunt.”

“Sure, sure, but that’s not the point.  The point is that even a handsome leading man like Cary Grant can look like and act like a dope.”

“You’re right Frankie.”

“All they had to do was throw a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles on him, and there you have it: instant dope!”

Cary Grant holding the phone and the bone in the RKO motion picture Bringing Up Baby.

“Yeah.  With horn-rimmed spectacles, even Cary Grant can look like a dope.  Wait a minute Frankie.  I don’t wear spectacles, horn-rimmed or otherwise.”

“That’s okay Curly, you don’t need spectacles to look like a dope.”

“I don’t? ”

“No, you’re a natural.”

“A natural?  Really?”

“Sure.  If you don’t believe me, just look in that mirror over there.”

“Okay–hey, wait a minute, what’s going on here?  I thought you were my best pal, now you’ve got me talked into wanting to look like a dope.

“Not just any dope Curly; a Cary Grant-ish dope.”

“Well, I suppose that’s all right then.  Still, I don’t think it’s too much for a guy to ask  his best pal to give him some encouragement about being worthy of the girl of his dreams.”

“You told me to be honest.”

“Yeah, yeah, I suppose I asked for it. ”

“Hey Curly, cheer up will you?  You can’t be serious about this.  You’re talented, smart,  and handsome; and  you have one of those hearts of gold you’re always talking about.  You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

“Really Frankie, no kidding?”

“No kidding.  I was just pulling your leg about being a natural.  It’s ridiculous to think of you, of all people, being insecure.   On top of everything else, you’ve made a name for yourself, and you’ve got plenty of dough  Most guys would give their eye teeth to trade places with you.”

“Gosh Frankie, I never thought of that.”

“Of course you didn’t, Curly, because as if looks, brains, talent, wealth and fame weren’t enough, you’re also humble.  I guess that’s why it’s so easy for me to rib you along so far.  If you could see yourself the way other people do, you wouldn’t need any encouragement from me.  So stop worrying.  Alice has it for you just as bad as you have it for her.”

“She does?  Has she told you so?”

“She doesn’t have to tell me.  I can see it in her eyes every time  you two are together.  Plus, if that weren’t enough  Olivia has dropped some hints too.”

“Olivia?  Hints about Alice’s feelings for me?  What did she tell you?”

“I can’t remember her exact words, but it was something pretty good.  Sounded kind of definite.”

“Thank you Ol’ Professor Kyser.  That was most informative.  “Pretty good” and “Kind of definite” he says.

“I tell you Curly, stop worrying about this.  Any girl would be glad to have you interested in her.”

“I’m not interested in any girl but  Alice.”

“You might not be interested in them, but they’ll be interested in you. What will Alice think?”

“What will Alice think?  What will Alice think about what?”

“About the other women.”

“Other women?  What other women?  Frankie, what are you going on about?  Who said anything about other women?”

“I did Curly, for your own sake.  You got me thinking about this and  I suddenly realized that a fellow like you has got to take care; to make sure he doesn’t get himself entangled.”

“Entangled?  Who’s gonna get entangled?  I told you Frankie, I’m done chasing.”

“You don’t have to do the chasing.  They’ll do it for you.”

“They?  Who they?”

“The other women.”

There was a knock at the door of the cabin.

“Who could that be?  I’ll get it.”  Phil rejoined the thread of their conversation as he walked to the door.  “Now stop going on about other women, will you?  I tell you there are no other women in my life, and there aren’t going to be any.  Not even one.”  He opened the door.  “Oh, Hello, uh,  Miss?


To be continued. . .

Cover painting: Sunrise by Maxfield Parrish.

Click here to read Ski bums and sagbutts: A madcap frolic in the snow. (Part 1fb).

Click here to read Ski bums and Sagbutts: A Madcap Frolic in the Snow (Part 2fb).

Ski bums and Sagbutts: A Madcap Frolic in the Snow (Part 3fb).

Ski bums and Sagbutts– A Madcap Frolic in the Snow (Part 4fb).


Copyright 2017 r.k.morris
















Ski Bums and Sagbutts- A Madcap Frolic in the Snow (Parts 1 to 4)

Note:  These four segments were originally published separately in a series.  They are brought together here to be read, if desired, as a single piece.


Part One:   Strange sounds in the snow.

As we look across a snowy winter landscape, we see miles of hills and evergreen trees, with nary a house or other building in sight.  The sky above is thick with grey clouds, but no snow is falling at the moment, while a bright glow shining through the clouds to the west shows us it is late afternoon.  Back on the ground, we see two men wearing snowshoes trudging along a trail in the valley between the hills.  On a closer look we discover that these two are our friends Phil Wellbright and Frankie Elliot.  Let’s join them as they take in the brisk, clean, northern air.

“What did I tell you Curly, isn’t this great?”

“Sure, it’s wonderful.  I didn’t know there were winter resorts like this in the Midwest.”

“Well, it’s no Sun Valley, but it’s a way for folks  around here to get out and enjoy the snow without having to travel half way across the country.  I figure we can hit the slopes first thing tomorrow.”

“That’ll be fine. There’s just one thing I don’t understand.”

“What’s that?”

“What I am doing here?”

“You’re snow-shoeing.”

“Frankie, you know  what I mean.  I want to know why it was so important for you to get me up here with you.”

“What’s the matter, don’t you like it here?”

“Sure, like I said, it’s wonderful.   But I was content back at my new home, living next door to  A-  to the Springingtons.  I wasn’t even settled in yet, and you come along and drag me up into the woods.”

“Well Curly, I got this offer kind of suddenly, and so I had to rush right up here.”

“Sure, you had to, but what about me?  I’m not working here.”

“You’re my best friend Curly, so I wanted you here to share my good fortune.”

“That’s very thoughtful of you, Frankie, but, well, to tell you the truth, I was just getting to know Alice, and , well, I just sort of miss her.”

“You do?”

“Yeah.  I know, it probably sounds kind of silly, I mean, we only met  a month ago or so.”

“It doesn’t sound silly Curly.”


“No, not at all.”

“Thanks Frankie.  I’m glad you understand.”

“Nothing silly about a guy missing a nice girl like Alice.  Especially if that guy happens to be kind of sweet on her.”

“That’s me all right.  ”

“Truth is, I miss Olivia.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, seeing her again was like having a light go on in my life.”

“Did you think you were going to miss her before you came up here?”

“Yes, I did.  That’s why I wanted you to come with me, so I wouldn’t get lonely.”

“Did you ever stop to think I might miss Alice?”

“As a matter of fact, that thought did cross my mind, but I figured we could both miss them together, that way it wouldn’t be so bad for either one of us.”

“Yeah, but Frankie, I didn’t have to leave.  You’re the one who got the job at the resort.  I could be spending time with Alice right now.”

“I’m sorry Curly.  I just didn’t want to leave Olivia behind and come up here all by myself.  If you ever have to leave Alice behind to go on a trip, I’ll do the same for you someday, I swear I will.”

“Okay Frankie.  I guess it’s a worthy cause to help my best pal get along with out his girl for a few days, even if it does mean I have to be away from the girl I–from the girl I’m sweet on in the meantime.”

“Thanks Curly.  You know, just talking about Olivia makes missing her seem less, you know, less of a burden.”

“You’re right Frankie.  Talking about Alice has kind of eased the pangs for me too.”

Both men sighed at  exactly the same time.

Frankie said dreamily “Women.”

“Ain’t they something?”

“The best thing since sliced bread.”


“Best thing since a shave and a haircut.”

“You mean with the steaming hot towel wrapped around your face?”

“Yeah, and that great smelling after shave that only the barbers seem to have.”

“Yeah, even better than that… with your cheeks feeling so soft and smooth–”

“Like a baby’s bottom after a warm bath.”

“Yeah.”  Phil absently raised a hand and stroked his cheek with the back of his fingers.  There was an audible scraping as his knuckles  rubbed across his whiskers. He dropped his hand suddenly and seemed to stir out of a dream.   ” I think I’ll shave when I get back to the room.”

“Yeah.  Come to think of it, the last time I saw a baby’s bottom was when I was babysitting for my sisters kid when he was just a little thing, and that wasn’t for any bath.”

“Well, what’d you expect?  A baby’s got to be changed.”

“Poor little fellow.  He had a terrible rash after that night.”

“What did you do to the kid?”

“That’s just it, I didn’t do anything.  Every time the kid cried I thought he was hungry so I just kept offering him more of that mush babies eat.  He’d just look at it and turn away and cry some more.  It was very confusing.”

“What finally tipped you off?”

“I was holding a spoonful of mush in front of his mouth,  and  balancing him on my knee, and somehow, something just didn’t feel right.”

“Stop right there.  I get the picture.”

“Poor little guy.  I got the feeling as I looked into his eye that he wanted to reach out and punch me in the nose for leaving him in so much discomfort for so long.”

“I bet your nephew and you are great pals now.”

“What Johnny?  Sure he and I are like that.  He doesn’t hold a grudge against Ol’ Uncle Frankie.  Funny thing though, whenever I walk into a room he stands up, real sudden like.”

“Cut it out Frankie, you’re just foolin’ with me.  I have to admit though that changing babies diapers, well, that’s probably the only thing that kind of, you know, makes me a little scared of marriage and fatherhood.”

“Marriage and fatherhood?  Curly, you have got it bad.”

“Yeah, Frankie.  I’ve got it bad, and that’s good.”

“Does Alice know?”

“No.  I don’t want to frighten her.  We’ve known each other such a short time.”

“This is  kind of sudden news for me.   I hope I haven’t made any unseemly remarks, but if I do, you  know, based on our past association,  just let me know, would you?  I wish you all the best, Curly.”

“Thanks Frankie.  Don’t make it sound like I’ve jumped off a cliff and left you behind or something.  What about that light that’s gone on in your life?”

“What, Olivia?  She’s a wonderful girl, Curly.  I’m lucky just to have met up with her again, but I think she would never really take a guy like me seriously.”

“What do you think, she’s just playing you?  Just having fun?”

“I don’t think that Curly.   It just seems too good to be true.  All I know is when I’m with Olivia, it’s the best feeling I’ve ever known.  I guess I’m just afraid to think about the future because this all seems like a dream and I’m going to wake up at any moment.”

“Now it’s my turn to ask you if you’ve told Olivia how you feel.”

“What, and scare her off?”

“A fine couple of Romeo’s we are, too timid to press our suits.”

“What’s that?’

“Just something I read or heard somewhere.  It means we’re afraid to tell the girls we’re in love with that we’re in love with them.”

” What do we do?”

“I guess we just have to be patient and see how things work out, and in the meantime, do our best to keep the girls interested till we can tell them our feelings without, you know, without it being too much of a shock.”

“I suppose that’s a good plan.”

“Hey Frankie, speaking of plans, how much further till we get back?”

“According to the trail map, we should be coming to a turn off any time.”

“Which way?”

“To the left takes us down to the lodge. ”

“What about that turn off we passed a little while ago?”

“I didn’t notice it.  I guess I must have had my mind on something else.”

“Uh -huh,  fine time to be daydreaming.  What do we do, turn back?”

“The trail is curving to the left anyway.  Let’s follow it around this bend and see where that leads us.”

“Lead on, Meriwether.”  They walked in silence for a few moments till Phil said, “Sure is quiet out here.”

“Yeah, not a house, or a building anywhere in sight .”

“Look at the trail, Frankie .  Looks like nobody has been out this way in quite some time.”

“Yeah,  ours are the only tracks.  Of course we did get a fresh snow last night.  That would have covered any tracks from yesterday.

“That’s right.  Probably there were a lot of tracks here before that snowfall last night.”

“Yeah, after all this is the main trail.  Probably lot’s of people walk this way all the time.”

“Of course.  You’re sure this is the main trail, aren’t you Frankie?”

“Sure I’m sure.  At least, I was sure.  Anyway, It’s not like we’re actually lost.”

“No, not actually.”

“I mean, even if we don’t know where we are right now, we know the lodge is just over that way.”

“Probably just a mile or so away, don’t you think?”

“Sure a mile or so, maybe. ”

“Sure is quiet though.”

A sudden sound stopped the boys in their tracks.  It was a loud sound, unfamiliar and somewhat like a deep musical note blown on some fantastic kind of horn.

Phil looked at Frankie, “What was that?”

“I don’t know.  Sounded like the mating call of a moose.”

“Do you have moose around here?”

“No.  I was just kidding.  There are no moose around here.  At least I don’t think there are.  Anyway, what if it was?  Aren’t mooses vegetarians?”

“Yeah, that’s right, they are.  So what do you think it was?”

“I don’t know.”

“There it goes again.  Say, what’s bigger than a moose?  That sure is a loud sound.”

“I don’t know.  I think it’s coming from up ahead,  just around this bend.”

“Maybe it’s one of those wooly mammoth things.”

“You mean those things like hairy elephants?  Aren’t those extinct?”

“Yeah, that’s right.  I guess I’m just letting my imagination run away with me.  Besides the people at the resort would  have noticed a thing like a big hairy elephant roaming around in the woods.  I mean, what are the odds that you and I could  arrive last night and out of a clear blue, without even looking for it, be the first one’s to discover a giant animal like that, trumpeting and stomping around here in the woods?  The mere thought of such a thing is ridiculous.”

“You’re right Curly, that would be ridiculous; our first day here and we discover a mammoth roaming the woods.  Somebody else would have seen him first.  Anyway aren’t elephants vegetarians too?”

“Yeah, but did you ever see  one of those Tarzan movies and the way the elephants pick up the poachers or the ivory hunters or whoever they’re angry at with their trunks and just kind of toss them around like they were a child’s doll?”

“You don’t suppose it thinks we’re ivory hunters, do you Curly?”

“I don’t know.”

“I mean, we don’t look like a couple of poachers or ivory hunters, do we?”

“Not to me we don’t, but maybe the mammoth has never seen a Tarzan movie.  Frankie look!”

“A cabin!”

“Do you think that sound came from in there?”

As if in answer to Phil’s question, the sound repeated.

“I guess that answers that.”

“What do you suppose it could be?  That cabins too small for a mammoth.”

“I don’t know Frankie.  I guess we’d better go find out.”

“Might be some kind of wild animal that’s hurt in there, calling to its mate.”

“Or its pack.”

“Its pack?  You mean as in wolf pack?  Curly, I don’t think there are any wolves around here either.”

“Yeah, and you also thought mammoths were extinct, but we still haven’t figured out what could be making that noise.”

“Do you think maybe it’s a small mammoth?”

“You mean like a baby, calling for its mother?”

“That’s it Curly, like a baby calling to its mother.”

“If it is, then for our sake I hope the mother is nowhere nearby. ”

“Gosh, you’re right!  I don’t see anything.  I think we’d hear her crashing through the trees if she were charging us.”

“We’re almost there Frankie.”

“What if it’s an injured wolf?  I’ve heard  wild animals that are injured and feel cornered can be the most dangerous.”

“We’ll soon find out.  Duck down below these windows.  We’re almost to the door.”

“Curly, I think I saw those trees move!  Wait… wait… I guess it was just the wind.”

“Keep your voice low Frankie.  Don’t want the wolf, or the mammoth–”

“Don’t forget the moose!”

All right.  The wolf, or the mammoth, or the moose, or whatever  is in there, to hear us.  My hand is on the door.  It doesn’t seem to be locked.  I’m going to gently push it open.  Stay to the side and give whatever frightening beast is in there plenty of room to charge out.”

“Right. ”

“Ready? ”

“I can’t look.  Tell me when  to run.”

“You’ve  got your eyes closed Frankie?  Okay.  Here goes.  The door is swinging open and I can see… I can see… Mr. Gordon!”

“Mr. Gordon?”

To be continued. . .

Part Two: Snow way to treat a friend

We left Phil and Frankie standing at the open doorway of a remote cabin.  They had been tracking the source of a strange sound, which they supposed to be made by some frightening animal, but were surprised to find themselves facing not a wild beast, but Phil’s neighbor,  Mr. Gordon.  With equal surprise, Mr. Gordon’s first words as he sees the boys are:

“Mr. Wellbright, Mr. Elliott!  How did you two find me?”

“We weren’t looking for you, Mr. Gordon.  We didn’t even know you were up here.”

“That’s right.  We kept hearing a strange sound, and we followed it here to this cabin.”

“You must be referring to my sagbutt.”

“Gosh no, Mr. Gordon  I wasn’t referring to you at all.  Like I said, we heard this strange sound–. ”

“Let me try again.  This is my sagbutt.  I was practicing on it.  That is the sound  you and Mr. Elliott must have heard.”

“Oh, that’s a- a sag butt, did you say?  It looks sort of like an over -grown trombone.”

“Yes, I suppose that’s one way to describe it.  The sagbutt is a predecessor to the modern trombone so favored by todays jazz musicians.  You gentlemen might as well take off your snow shoes and  come in.  Be careful when you close the door though, there is a great deal of snow on the roof and we don’t want to cause an avalanche.  I plan on going out later to rake it off.”

” Look at that, must be at least ten inches of snow up there.”  Said Phil.

“I’ll bet that would make quite a pile if it all came down at once.”  Frankie added.

“Let me save you the trouble Mr. Gordon.”  Phil said “I’m already dressed up warm, with boots and hat and coat and gloves.  You just take it easy and let me do this for you.”

“Thank you,  Mr. Wellbright, that’s very kind.  The rake is right there beside the door.”

“Is there another one of those things around, Mr. Gordon?  I’d be glad to help.”

“I’m afraid not, Mr.  Elliott, but thanks anyway.”

“While Phil’s doing that, do you mind if I take a look at that musical instrument of yours?”

“Certainly, help yourself.”  Then stepping into the open doorway he addressed Phil again.  “I certainly appreciate this, Mr. Wellbright.  .  Just try to drag the snow so it doesn’t fall in front of the door.”

“I’ll start down at the other end and work my way back, then I’ll have a clear area on the roof to drag the snow to the side before I bring it down.”

“Good idea.”

“Mr. Gordon, have you been playing the sagbutt for long?”  Frankie asked.

“No, Mr.  Elliott, I’m still just a neophyte.”

“Oh, uh huh.  Mind if I give it a try?”

“Be my guest.”

After the note subsided, Phil said, “You’ll probably think this is pretty stupid, but when we heard you blowing on that thing, we thought I was some kind of strange animal.”

“Yes.  That is,  compared to the sound Mr. Elliott was able to produce, I’m sure mine must have sounded rather like a wounded water buffalo.”

Frankie responded, “Don’t be ridiculous,  Mr. Gordon.  Everyone knows there aren’t any water buffalo around here.”

“We were thinking more of a love-sick moose.”  Said Phil.

“Or a mammoth.”  Frankie added.

“A mammoth?  Of course.  A mammoth is much more plausible.  What brings you gentlemen here to the north country?”

“Frankie got a job playing at the resort.  He talked me into coming with him.  What about you Mr. Gordon?  What brings you up here?”

“Mrs. Gordon suggested, and I agreed with her, that I could use a little rest, and some peace and quiet.”

“You couldn’t have picked a better place for it.  What could disturb you in a remote place like this?”

“I was just thinking the same thing myself.”

“You ought to get plenty of rest and peace, especially now that we’re here.”

“Now that you’re here?  What did you have in mind?”

At this point perhaps I should pause the narrative to inform those readers who may be unfamiliar with the prior history of Phil and Frankie and Mr. Gordon, of what happened on the very first day they met, and also to give a brief summary to all readers of certain events that had transpired since the day of their first meeting.  It was on Christmas Eve, that Phil and Frankie first met Mr. Gordon, and on that day  Phil accidentally knocked Mr. Gordon unconscious with a snow shovel.  Mr. Gordon regained consciousness in no more than a moment, and immediately forgave Phil for his unintended action; such was the character of Mr, Gordon.  Although he could forgive, it was more difficult for Mr, Gordon to forget.  For one thing there was the lump on his head that lasted several days and made putting on a hat something of a delicate procedure until well after the New Year.  More than that though, there were Phil’s efforts, usually accompanied by Frankie, to do something kind for Mr. Gordon, that never seemed to go as intended.

First there was the Pumpkin Pie incident, in which Phil and Frankie eagerly insisted on delivering the pie Mrs. Springinton had baked for the Gordon’s the day after Christmas.  The two friends paraded across the street, locked arm in arm, carefully holding the pie up in front of them, singing Deck the Halls.  Mrs Gordon, having been alerted by a telephone call from Mrs. Springinton, was waiting at the front door, which she swung open as Phil and Frankie reached the porch.  Still shoulder to shoulder and still singing, the two men marched across the threshold and tripped over each others feet.  Walking from the kitchen to greet his guests, Mr. Gordon had the briefest of moments to glimpse  the pie, looking like a miniature harvest moon, sailing toward him.  Always one to look on the bright side, he was at least able to honestly say that it was delicious.

Then there was the day that Phil and Frankie helped the Gordon’s take down their Christmas tree, and no one has yet been able to figure out how the trunk of the tree came to be fully inserted into Mr. Gordon’s  coat, entering at the bottom and coming out at the collar.  The tinsel icicles hardly bothered him, nor did the occasional cranberry or piece of popcorn.  What  made the experience most unbearable for Mr, Gordon were the dry and scratchy evergreen needles that fell off the tree by the hundreds and seemed to work their way into every stitch of clothes he was wearing, including even his undergarments, where they caused him a great deal of discomfort; and he too polite a host, or too modest, to excuse himself to change clothes until his guests had completed their mission and bade farewell.

The final incident, and one that I am happy to say ended without injury thanks to the abundant layer of snow on the ground, happened when the boys were helping Mr. Gordon take down the garlands  around the outside of the house and Frankie forgot one of the cardinal rules of moving a ladder, which is  to always look up first.  Indeed, the only thing that finally alerted Frankie to Mr. Gordons presence was a sound, not unlike the wail of a wounded water buffalo strangely enough, followed by a glimpse out of the corner of his eye of  Mr. Gordon coming to earth.

With all of this, you can readily understand how Mr. Gordon began to feel like a hunted animal as far as Phil and Frankie were concerned.  He knew the two men meant him no harm, but he began to feel decidedly unsafe in their presence.  Mrs. Gordon could see the toll this was having on her husband, and gave him the sage advice to remove himself to a locale far from Phil and Frankie,  with the hope that their zeal for doing her husband good deeds would abate in his absence.

You can also doubtless understand why Mr, Gordon sounded as though he were being pursued when he first saw Phil and Frankie at his door, and why now, he seems to be nervous at their presence.  Imagine yourself in his shoes, or slippers, balancing the conflicting emotions of dread that something terrible must be about to happen to you, and relief that something terrible hasn’t just happened to you.  Such a strain would surely unnerve the stoutest of us.

To get back to the story, Mr. Gordon had just asked Phil what he had in mind, to which Phil replied:

“I mean doing these little chores for you, so you can relax, take it easy.  Let us do the work.”

“Of course.  I’m sorry if I seem a bit nervous, I hope I haven’t behaved inhospitably.  It’s just that seeing you two gentlemen here came as quite a surprise.”

“That’s okay Mr. Gordon,  Frankie and I were surprised to see you too.  Hey,  this snow is starting to pile up.  Have you got one of those snow shovels around here?  I’ll clear a walkway when I’m finished.”

“Thank you Mr.  Wellbright.  Yes, there is a snow shovel, I believe it’s around by the back door .”

“Okay.  You sure you trust me with it?”

“What’s that?  Oh yes.”  Mr. Gordon rubbed his head.

“I still can’t tell you enough how sorry I am about that, Mr. Gordon.”

“It’s quiet all right.  You needn’t apologize any further, but, just to ease your fear of doing me bodily injury, I’ll stay in here with Mr. Elliott, where it’s safe.”

Then, just at that moment, a most singular thing occurred.  I suppose if Frankie and Mr. Gordon had been a couple of highly trained acrobats, or perhaps two skilled precision dancers it would have taken them hours of rehearsal and many  a run through to accomplish what they were about to do, but they did it and did it well on the very first try.   Frankie definitely had the lesser demanding of the two roles.  For his part, he started with his back to Mr. Gordon, holding the sagbutt downward, then, as he started to play, he turned, took a step toward the door and Mr. Gordon, raised the instrument, and extended the slide as he blew a note.  While Frankie was executing this movement, Mr. Gordon turned with impeccable timing, and, leading with his chin into the room, was greeted with stupendous effect by the extending slide of the sagbutt.  It is not easy to say which of the following difficult elements Mr, Gordon performed with the greatest degree of excellence.  Was it the explosive recoil  as he reeled from the glancing blow of the sagbutt to his chin, the seemingly effortless way in which he went from upright to head -over- heels in backwards flight, the velocity he achieved while in the air, the distance he travelled, or the landing in a mound of snow beneath the eaves directly in front of the open door?  I suppose if one were a judge at the Winter Olympic Games, one would have to give him all perfect scores, although if one were looking for any deficiency, one would have to admit that his landing did result in a great burst of snow being thrown up, something, I believe, for which the judges usually take at least a minor deduction.

In any event, Mr. Gordon sat there with a sort of dumbfounded expression on his face, like an athlete who’s Olympic dream has just come true, but doesn’t know what to make of it yet.  His reverie lasted only a moment before the deafening roar of the crowd, in the form a Frankie’s frantic shouting  roused him to semi-awareness:

“Mr. Gordon! I’m sorry!”

Mr. Gordon looked at Frankie, or, from Mr. Gordon’s perspective, looked at two of Frankie.  “What, what happened?”

“Let me help you.”  Frankie rushed forward and in his flight through the doorway instinctively grabbed the door handle and pulled it forcefully closed behind him.  There followed in a moment a rumbling sound, as of a great weight letting loose and shifting above…

To be continued…

Part Three:  Suspicious Behavior of Swiss Yodelers (from Switzerland)

We left Mr. Gordon dazed and sitting in a mound of snow outside the cabin.  You may recall that Frankie  rushed from the house and pulled the door solidly closed behind him, which action was followed instantaneously by a loud rumbling from above, much like the sound made by one of those avalanches that cause an entire ski party to scatter and seek cover.  Frankie, being for the moment a party of one, could not have scattered  unless he were suddenly endowed with the knowledge of the  Eastern mystics, who, according to the brilliant P.G. Wodehouse, are said to have possessed the ability to cause their physical bodies to disassemble in one place and to reassemble at will in another place.  Being neither Eastern, nor mystic, Frankie was compelled to remain in status quo with regards to his physical body, and that may have been a good thing, because, being under the eaves of the roof, he was in a place of shelter.   Mr. Gordon, however, was not so fortunate in his choice of real estate, for he had landed directly below the very edge of the roof, and so, in the direct path of the coming  onslaught.  Had an Eastern mystic been near at hand, Mr. Gordon could perhaps have implored the kind fellow to use his ability tout suite  for his, Mr. Gordon’s, benefit.  Nothing spectacular, like transporting him to Calcutta or Bombay, or even to Capistrano with the swallows, just a minor disappearance and re-manifestation,  of only ten feet or so in almost any direction would have done the trick.  Eastern mystics, always a rare breed, are especially scarce in the American north woods, particularly  in mid-winter and so it is that one was not nearby in this case,  I suppose a cowboy, skillful with the lasso could have helped Mr.Gordon out of this predicament, as could have a tumbling gymnast or an agile sumo wrestler, but the landscape was conspicuously devoid of such  individuals at this moment, and so Mr. Gordon was left to endure the coming ordeal with none to offer him physical aid, and only Phil and Frankie to suffer with him in spirit.

The ordeal itself lasted only a moment, and indeed the whole thing was over in much less time than it has taken you to read this far, but I have lingered here, at the outset, in an attempt to set the stage and create the right sense of pathos for dear Mr. Gordon and his unhappy predicament.

Let us resume the narrative of events with Frankie, just as he has pulled the door of the cabin closed.  He heard the sound above his head as he turned from the door to resume his rush to Mr. Gordon.   Their eyes met for an instant, then Frankie saw Mr. Gordon look up, perhaps snapped out of his dizziness by the magnitude of the rumblings so near above his head;  and as he looked he seemed to shrink back into his pile of snow, like a groundhog which has seen its shadow.  As Frankie stepped forward  he was stopped in his tracks by a sudden solid curtain of  snow that descended from above, and for a moment made everything go white before his eyes.  Frankie reeled backward from the avalanche, so sudden and violent was it’s appearance, then, when it was over, he found himself gazing at the same pile of snow from which Mr. Gordon had been looking at him, and upon which there was an even larger pile of snow, but of Mr. Gordon there was not a trace.

“Mr. Gordon?  Mr. Gordon?!”

There was a muffled response of several unintelligible syllables, and the pile of snow appeared to heave slightly.

“Mr. Gordon, are you there?  Is that you under there?

Phil had by this time arrived, running from the side of the house.  “Of course it’s him under there Frankie, who did you think it would be? Come on, give me a hand digging him out before he suffocates.”

“Do you hear that Mr. Gordon?  We’ll have you out in a jiffy.  Just sight tight and don’t worry about a thing.  Frankie and Curly are here, and you’re going to be all right.  Just leave everything to us.”

“There he is Frankie.  There, wipe that snow off his nose, I’ll clear a space around his mouth.  There, at least he can breathe now.”

“Yeah, that’s got his head clear.  How do you feel Mr. Gordon?”

“What?  How do I feel?”  Mr. Gordon looked at Frankie for several seconds before seeming to recognize him.  “Mr. Elliott, is that you?”

“I’m right here, Mr.Gordon.  You’re going to be all right.”

“I seem to remember you playing on the sagbutt.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Then I turned and you were there blowing a note and something hit me on the chin.”

“I’m awful sorry about that, Mr. Gordon.  You’re all right now. There was just this little avalanche off the roof right there, it sort of fell right on top of you when I,  that is, well, when I pulled the door closed.”

“You caused the avalanche too?”

“Yeah, I guess I pulled the door a little too hard.”

“Where is Mr. Wellbright?”

“Here I am, Mr. Gordon.”

“Mr. Wellbright, I’d like to move my right arm, can you dig it out please?”

“You’re right arm?  Sure Mr. Gordon, we’ll have your arm out in no time.  Come on Frankie, give me a hand.  There, there it is Mr.Gordon, can you move it all right.”

“Yes, yes I can move it.  Now, could you dig out my left arm please?”

“Your left arm Mr. Gordon?  Of course, here, we’ll have that out in another minute or two. . .  There, there it is.  How does that feel?”

“That’s fine.  I can move both of my hands and arms, and all of my fingers.  I don’t think I can stand up yet.  Mr.  Elliott, would you lean a little closer to me please?”

“Sure Mr. Gordon, anything you say.”

“Thank you, that’s it.  I just want to get both my hands around your neck and squeeze as hard as I can before you get another chance to kill me!”

“Mr. Gordon!  Mr. Gordon, let go of Frankie.  That’s it, let go.  Now, take a deep breath, stay calm, don’t exert yourself, just take it easy.  We’ll have you out of there in not time.  You need to lie down and rest inside.  Let us finish digging you out of this snow.  Just relax.”

“Yes, thank you Mr. Wellbright.  I’m sorry Mr. Elliott I don’t know what came over me just then.  I suppose it was just some primitive impulse for self -preservation.”

“That’s okay Mr.Gordon.  Like Curly said, you just need to lie down and relax.  You’ve been through a trying experience.  Strangling me won’t make it any better.”

“Won’t it?  I mean, of course it won’t.  I am sorry Mr. Elliott.  I feel quite ashamed of myself.  I hope you will forgive me.”

“Sure Mr. Gordon I forgive you.  Besides, you had every right to lose your temper.  Now just take a deep breath and let Curly and I get you out of that snow and into your cabin.”

Unnoticed by our trio, a pair of men on skis had approached.

“Helmut?”  One of them called, ” Helmut, is that you?”

“Helmet? ”  Phil replied as he turned to face the newcomers.  “I don’t have a helmet.  Mr. Gordon, do you have a helmet?”

“No, but I could have used one a few minutes ago.”

“Sorry bud, no helmets here.”

“Sorry,”  The man  said, “I was mistaken.  I thought you were our friend, our friend Helmut.  He is staying in a cabin near this place.  We came  here to meet him.”

“Your friend Helmut isn’t here.  My name’s Phil Wellbright, my pal here is Frankie Elliott, and our host  is Mr. Gordon.   We had a little accident and we’re just getting Mr. Gordon inside.   Would you two mind giving us a hand?”

The two strangers exchanged glances, then the one who had done all the talking said  “Ya, we will help.  But then we must be going.  We must find Helmut.”

The two men stepped out of their bindings and stuck theirs skis into the snow,   “Your friend here was caught in the avalanche?”

“Yes, from the roof.  It wasn’t that bad really, but he had just suffered a fall before that.”

“You should be more careful.  Always you Americans are a careless people.  You will find yourself getting hurt that way.”

“I suppose we should be more careful.  Thanks for the warning.  I take it you and your friend  are not Americans.  Mind telling us  your business here?”

“Our business?  We are . . . entertainers, hired below, at the lodge.”

“At the lodge? ”  Frankie said, “Me too, I’m a musician.  Are you guys in the orchestra too?”

“Ni- no, we are not in the orchestra.  We are yodelers.”


“Ya, Swiss yodelers.  From Switzerland.”

“From Switzerland.”

“That is right.  Allow me to introduce myself.  To my friends I am known simply as Conrad.  Hans  and I have come here to find our friend Helmut to rehearse together.  Helmut, he is also a yodeler.”

“A Swiss yodeler.”  Hans added.

“Yes, Hans is right.  Helmut is also from Switzerland, like us.”

“You two seem awful keen to make sure we know you are from Switzerland.  What’s up with that?”

Conrad  answered. “Oh, well, it is just that we grow tired of the way you Americans confuse our country with Sweden.  So many times when we say we are Swiss, and our kind American hosts say “Ah, Sweden, ”  and we have to correct them and say “No, not Sweden, Switzerland. ”

Hans added. “Sweden is on the Baltic Sea, and borders Norway and Finland.  Switzerland has no coast, but is situated among the Alps, and is surrounded by  many  neighbors:  France, Italy, Austria and of course, Germany.”

“That’s a rough neighborhood to be in these days.   What do you guys think about what  Hitler has done to Poland?”

“How the Fuhrer choses to deal with the Slavic peoples to the east is not a concern for Switzerland.”  Conrad responded.

“Nor for the British or French.  Or the Americans.”  Hans said.


“Well, thanks for the geography lesson, and thanks for helping us get Mr. Gordon inside.  We won’t detain you from your rehearsal any longer.”

“I hope your friend recovers from his accident.  Please be more careful, all of you, to avoid danger.   Good day.”

Phil closed the door behind Conrad and Hans, and watched through the window as they put on their skis and glided away.

“There’s something suspicious about those guys Curly.”

“You noticed it too?”

“Yeah.   They sure went out of their way to convince us that they were Swiss yodelers, and not Swedish yodelers.  Well I’ve got news for Conrad and Hans, and Helmut too, wherever he is:  we might  look like just a couple of dumb Americans, but I guess we look too dumb for their good, because even a couple of guys like us know there’s no such thing as a Swedish yodeler.”

To be continued . . .

Part Four: Friendly or Faux?  Unravelling the Suspicious Behavior of the  Swiss Yodelers

We left Phil and Frankie discussing the suspicious behavior of the  Swiss yodelers, who claimed they wanted to make sure they were not confused by Americans as being from Sweden, an occurrence, they indicated, had happened to them regularly.  After these men  departed from Mr. Gordon’s cabin,  Frankie put his finger on the nub with the brilliant observation,  “There’s no such thing as a Swedish yodeler.”

To which Phil replied:

“Are you sure about that?”

“I was hoping you would know.”

“I suppose not.  They don’t have Alps in Sweden.  All the yodelers I  ever heard of came from the Alps. ”

“There you have it. No Alps.  That proves it.”

“That they’re not Swiss?”

“That they’re not yodelers.  I knew there was something phony about that Hans, the way he kept glancing around, real cagey like.”

“Frankie, I don’t know if the fact that they’re yodelers or not is important, you could be right, and I don’t want to discourage you, but I was thinking that they were lying to us when they kept saying they were from Switzerland.  I don’t think those guys are Swiss at all.”

“Not Swiss?  What makes you say that, Curly?”

“Something about the way Conrad said the Führer, almost like he was in awe.”

“The Führer, who’s that?”

“Frankie, don’t you pay attention to anything going on in the world.  The Führer is Hitler.  You do know who Hitler is, don’t you ?”

“Sure Curly, I know.  I guess I don’t pay that much attention because it seems like we have enough troubles of our own right here without getting mixed up in the problems of the rest of the world.  You have to agree with that, don’t you?”

“Yes, Frankie, and no.  Sometimes the problems of the rest of the world get so big that they become our problems too, and then we have to get mixed up in it, whether we want to or not.  So I figure each of us should pay attention,  stay informed, and know what’s going on in the world.”

“You sound serious Curly.  What is going on in the world?”

“You asked me Frankie, just remember that.  I think we’re going to end up in another war.”

“I thought the World War ended all that.”

“So did a lot of other people.  I guess that was just a case of mass wishful thinking.  They’re at war right now over in Europe.”

“Things have quieted down since last fall, haven’t they?”

“No, Frankie, it’s just that there isn’t much shooting going on right now  since Hitler and  Stalin took over Poland.  Not only that, but look at the past several years:  Italy attacked Ethiopia. Japan  invaded China. Spain had a civil war.  Things aren’t quiet at all.  Sure, we don’t feel it here much yet; we have a big country and we’re separated by two big oceans from most of the world.  We also have good neighbors like Canada and Mexico, instead of being surrounded by fascists and communists, so things seem pretty calm to a lot of people here;  but the fact is, if you look east or west across those two big oceans, the world is at war again and as far as I can tell, it’s going to get worse before it gets better.”

“I didn’t know it was that bad.  I’m kind of sorry I asked.”

“Don’t be, Frankie.  I think a lot of us Americans want peace so bad that we won’t even acknowledge there’s a war going on unless it hits us in our own back yard.”

“So what do you figure all this has  to do with those two guys posing as Swiss yodelers?”

“I don’t know Frankie.  While we may not be at war with anyone,  a lot of countries are at war, and some of them may already think of us as enemies.  That’s why I can’t get over why a man who is supposedly Swiss would speak of the Führer in such a reverent tone.   I think it was all he could do to keep from clicking his heels and coming to attention as he said it.”

“So what do you think the truth is about those guys?”

“I almost hate to say it Frankie, but I believe those guys are Nazis.”


“Yep. Nazi agents.  That’s the only thing that could explain their behavior.”

“Gee, and I thought they were posing as yodelers to get a job.”

“Frankie, why would anyone go to so much trouble and then pretend to be a yodeler of all things?”

“If you don’t have a job and you’re not a citizen, they deport you.”

“They do?”

“Yeah, it happened to my second cousin Cyril.  He came over from England one summer to stay with my aunt and uncle –”

“The story of your cousin–”

“Second cousin.”

“All right, your second cousin, Cyril will have to wait.  Right now let’s go in the kitchen and see if can find something  warm to fix for Mr. Gordon.”

“I don’t think he needs it now, he’s asleep.”

“So he is.  Out like a light.  Frankie,  put another log on the fire, would you, while I cover him up with this blanket. . . There, nice and cozy.”

“Look at him, like a big  puppy curling up with his blanket.”

“Yeah.  Petey does the same thing with his blanket.  He gets that same look too, like he’s smiling.  He almost looks sort of, well, cute, doesn’t he, Frankie?”

“I guess so, as long as I  think of him as a big puppy.  You know, he kind of reminds me of Regalo in a way too.”

“What, your little Chihuahua?  How’s that?”

“His eyebrows.”

“His eyebrows? What about them?”

“I just noticed the resemblance, how  Regalo does the same thing sometimes, raises his eyebrows just enough to give him those wrinkles in his forehead.  Sort of makes him look intelligent.”

“Yeah , I suppose it does.”

“If only people could really be as intelligent as dogs look.”

“Yeah–hey, that reminds me, what was that crack you said a while ago about you and I looking like just a couple of dumb Americans?”

“Well, what about it?  I was just trying to make a point.”

“Count me out next time you make a point like that.  When it comes to dumb looks, speak for yourself .”

“All right, all right.  It’s just that you’re my best friend and I didn’t want you to feel left out.”

“Left out, he says.”

“I hear you. Take it easy would you? Calm down.”

“I am calm.”

“No need to get  testy.”

“Who’s testy?”

” You are Curly.  Just listen to you.  Do you want to wake Mr. Gordon?”

“All right.  I’m calm.  I’m quiet.  And I am not testy.  All I was trying to say was I don’t look that dumb.”

“How do you know?”

“How do I know?  What do you mean how to I know?  I’ll tell you how I know.  Among other things, Alice says my appearance is indicative of a deep and perceptive soul well-suited to the pursuit and expression of my artistic abilities.”

“Alice said that?”


“She actually used the word indicative in a sentence?”

“Well, maybe not that exact word.  I forget just how she put it but I know what she meant.”

“And what Alice meant was that you’re no dope.”

“That’s right.”

“And she doesn’t think you look like one either.”

“Right again.”

“Then  you’ve got nothing to worry about, Curly;  your worries are over.  Alice is stuck on you sure as Mr. Gordon was stuck in that pile of snow.”

“How do you know?”

“Women are blind to the faults of the men they love, Curly.  Didn’t you know that?”

“They are?”

‘Sure.  So when Alice says you don’t look like a dope, well, there you have it.”

“Yeah, you’re right Frankie.  This is great news!  I can hardly wait to see Alice again so I can tell her how I feel about her.  Wait, wait, I just thought of something.”

“What’s that?”

“What if she is just one of those protective types, you know, who feels sorry for a guy and wants to make him feel better about himself, but it’s nothing personal, you know, no emotion other than  pity.”

“I never thought of that  Curly, you’ve got something there.”

“Frankie, I gotta ask you something, and you gotta tell me the truth as my best friend, even if you think it will hurt me.  Do you promise?”

“Okay Curly, I promise.  What is it?”

“I want you to take a good look at me.   Go ahead.  Take your time.  Look at my face.  Do you think that in the eyes of a fine, beautiful, intelligent woman like Alice I would look like a dope?”

“Curly, that’s asking an awful lot, even as your best friend.”

“Let me have it Frankie.”


“I can take it.”

“All right,  you asked for it. . .”

To be continued. . .

Copyright 2017 r.k.morris