works of alienation and angst (from my youth) part 1


The purpose is this: if I lived through it, so can you.  Much of my emotional turmoil found it’s outlet in the written word.  Hang on.  Push on. You are not alone. You, yes you, are beloved.   The angst is gone.  The alienation is a fact of life in a world system which is hostile to truth.

Empty Day



and not getting

any less so.

Today I sat

for hours

and drew


I can conceive

of no relief.

I grow restless

and seek sleep.

Escape into nightmares

where the face of


forces action

and the threat of


offers some evidence





Isolate me from emotion.

Isolate me from caring

what happens next.

This animal desire to live

this unnatural desire to die.

Isolate me from wondering


Leave me  just this energy

and the disposition to act.

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